
A water drop and ripples

You’re not the only one thinking the COVID trajectory all looks kind of… deliberate.

By Justin Katz | March 7, 2022 |

Ed Driscoll rounds up a little bit of the commentary, including: TWITTER THREAD ON 2020 AND ITS AFTERMATH: “The Democrats saw an opportunity with the emergence of Covid to crush a roaring economy under a president they didn’t like. So they, & their base, did everything in their power to impose crushing restrictions on small…

A water drop and ripples

Hey, have you heard about that election fraud in Wisconsin?

By Justin Katz | March 4, 2022 |

Strange how little I’ve been seeing about stories like this in my rounds of news collection. You’d think it’d be of broad interest. Rampant fraud and abuse occurred statewide at Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other residential care facilities,” according to the Office of Special Counsel’s second interim report filed on March 1 with the Wisconsin…

A water drop and ripples

Should Ukrainian refugees expect a modern American welcome?

By Justin Katz | March 1, 2022 |

Democrat Governor Dan McKee’s letter to Joe Biden expressing our state’s willingness to house refugees from war in Ukraine raises many questions.  For instance, why is this particular offering worthy of a prominent, grandiloquent pronouncement while accepting midnight flights of illegal immigrants (mostly young men) is not? Separately, one wonders what it means to welcome…

A water drop and ripples

The United States is hobbling itself and its economy when it comes to energy.

By Justin Katz | February 28, 2022 |

As an emboldened Vladimir Putin causes mayhem on the global stage, it’s important to remember how much our own government is harming the prospects of the United States, as if deliberately humbling our country to bring us down: Upcoming federal oil and gas lease sales will be delayed as the Interior Department figures out how…

A water drop and ripples

Add a leaky Dunk to the signs of RI’s deterioration.

By Justin Katz | February 28, 2022 |

For the cost of taxes and the cost of living around here, why do Rhode Islanders tolerate this sort of thing? For the third time in the last four years on national television, the Dunkin’ Donuts Center has served as a national embarrassment, as games have had to be canceled or delayed because the management…

A water drop and ripples

Something as reasonable and helpful as temporarily eliminating the gas tax has no chance in RI.

By Justin Katz | February 23, 2022 |

Well, we have to thank Rhode Island Republicans for trying: The Rhode Island Senate Republican Caucus is proposing the state eliminate gas tax for the remainder of the year. “We want to direct the influx in tax revenue back to residents and provide relief from the crushing pain at the pump,” Senate Minority Whip Jessica…

A water drop and ripples

Relying on tech for your health is a risky proposition.

By Justin Katz | February 23, 2022 |

Not long ago, technology was beginning to allow the blind to see.  Beware the need for maintenance and software support: These three patients, and more than 350 other blind people around the world with Second Sight’s implants in their eyes, find themselves in a world in which the technology that transformed their lives is just…

A water drop and ripples

The Nazi’s-eye-view of the great Battle of Providence shows how pathetic the whole thing was.

By Justin Katz | February 22, 2022 |

The video that the Rhode Island 131 group posted of its attack, protest, walk-by-shouting, whatever, on Monday shows how pathetic the whole thing was. The video does add the implied possibility that there was some shoving involved, although it may have been two-sided. The idea that this has commanded the attention of all of Rhode…

A water drop and ripples

Canada’s crackdown on the trucker protest is a major warning sign.

By Justin Katz | February 22, 2022 |

Jordan Peterson has shared a note from one of the organizers of the Ottawa protests: From BJ Dichter, one of the organizers of the Ottawa protest. If you don’t think this could happen to you or someone you love you’re a fool. He’s been made a nonperson. Without being charged or tried. Is this what…

A water drop and ripples

Just when I was beginning to respect the Projo again, Katherine Gregg lets loose some partisan COVID propaganda.

By Justin Katz | February 22, 2022 |

As much of the local, state, and national media goes woke, established publications like the Providence Journal have seemed more even-handed in contrast.  An article by Katherine Gregg about a Rhode Island psychiatrist who dissents from the demanded view on COVID blows that impression up.  Some of the paragraphs that make me wonder whether the Projo…