This is a belated acknowledgment that Ben Shapiro is exactly right about the Jerry-Springer-esque catfight in Congress last month: If we don’t like what we’re seeing in Washington, D.C., the only durable solution is to ensure it isn’t representative. But just like the brawls on that famous gawker show, untangling ourselves from this mess is…
I’m a little delayed in reacting to this, but it isn’t encouraging news: State Rep. Patricia Morgan, who is one of two Republicans running in Rhode Island’s U.S. Senate race this year, has declined to debate her opponent in the primary, 12 News has learned. … “We need our party united for when Ray drops…
Two things occurred to me when I saw this aerial video of a wind turbine blade graveyard in Texas: First, this sort of thing already exists for 20-year-old turbines in an industry that is supposedly just getting started as a major industry. What sort of acreage will we be talking as we approach the…
I’m tempted to modify this message, just a bit, by suggesting that this is always the choice:
We’re in heavy times, these days, what with our system of government collapsing around us, so sometimes we need a change of soundtrack or cinematic distraction. Finding new entertainment, however, has become more-difficult, too. Very little music feels fresh, and movies are terrible. On those rare occasions that I’ve thought to watch a new movie,…
I do think he should have followed the line about his family correcting his joke with “thanks grandma,” but who am I to kvetch?
The problem at the heart of well-meaning progressive policies is that they tend to ignore second-order effects. They want outcome X, so they push policy U and ignore that side-effects V and W also happen, and consequences Y and Z might not prove desirable. Housing mandates, for example, require on their face that we cede…
This video of some proverbial “frat bros” mocking some antifa clowns brought to mind Saul Alinsky’s encouragement toward mockery of the opponent: Preparation for conflicts is crucial, however. The mockery worked because the antifa were outnumbered and in somebody else’s element. Mockery is a group activity. You must have a group.
… leads me to the conclusion that whoever is controlling education policy wants young adults to be ignorant and emotionally unstable: I’m glad people are starting to pay attention, but I’m not optimistic anything can be done. I couldn’t believe when this policy filtered down from the Obama administration a decade ago. And I still can’t…
… but it’s illustrative, at MIT: I should note from the replies to the tweet that some people are contesting the translation, saying it’s “death to Zionism,” not “Zionists,” which supposedly makes all the difference. On the other hand, some commenters say the chant references “Jews” in places where the translation says “Zionists.” I’m not…