Democrats on the March

Cicilline is Too Busy To Address Unemployment

By Monique Chartier | October 10, 2012 |

WPRO reports that Democrats have accused Brendan Doherty of not caring about civil rights because he did not confirm that he would attend a particular forum tomorrow night. Huh, interesting. Taking a look at the agenda and the press coverage, it appears that David Cicilline did not participate in either of the Publick Occurrences events,…

Insight into Narrative Building With Polls

By Marc Comtois | October 5, 2012 |

I got this release (PDF) about post Presidential debate research from The Winston Group. Included in it is an analysis of a debate focus group put together by left-leaning Democracy Corps. Democracy Corps conducted a post-debate discussion with 45 swing voters in Denver, which included 16 unmarried women. According to their analysis this group contained…

“Burying” the Middle Class With Tax Cuts Hikes??? A Joe Biden Two-Fer

By Monique Chartier | October 2, 2012 |

Even if six things are going on at work, as they were today, I can usually grab what is being said on the radio, even if only on a tertiary level of attention. But this shorted my brain out with an audible sizzle when I heard it during a news break of the John Gibson…

President Obama’s Early Inklings of the Dependency Portal

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2012 |

In the battle of hidden video and archived recordings that is sure to characterize political campaigns during the digital age, audio emerged from a 1998 presentation by then-state-senator Barack Obama at Loyola University in Illinois.  The statement that made headlines (at least on the center-right side of the media) was now-President Obama’s belief in economic…

[Cough, Cough] Elizabeth Warren Also Represented an Eeeevil Corporation Against Coal Miners

By Monique Chartier | September 25, 2012 |

Mass senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren purports to represent the little guy. Just ask her website. Washington is rigged to work for those who can hire an army of lobbyists and an army of lawyers to get special deals. It isn’t working for small businesses and middle class families. That has to change. It’s turning out,…

Things We Read Today (14), Wednesday

By Justin Katz | September 19, 2012 |

Why freedom demands father-daughter dances; the U.S., less free; PolitiFact gets a Half Fair rating for its Doherty correction; and the mainstream media cashes in some of its few remaining credibility chips for the presidential incumbent. Continue reading on the Ocean State Current…

Re: The War on Women?

By Monique Chartier | August 25, 2012 |

Under Patrick’s post questioning the alleged War on Women, commenter Candace McCall remarks stop pretending you don’t know this is about abortion and contraceptive rights. We’ll take them one at a time. #1, Abortion: there is nothing new this election on the issue. So this is not about abortion. #2. There is, however, a new…

The War on Women?

By Patrick Laverty | August 24, 2012 |

We hear all about this “War on Women” that the Democrats like to claim that the Republicans are waging. First, I think these “wars” are silly. It cheapens what the word means. Comparing policy to dropping bombs on a people certainly cheapens the term. But hey, while we’re at it, can we ask why the…

Credit for Building, Blame for Dividing

By Justin Katz | July 19, 2012 |

President Obama’s teleprompter style has been the subject of substantial (often mocking) critical commentary, and with some justification, as this nearly parodic 2010 video from a Virginia classroom proves: Given recent political events, one can sympathize with the desire of public officials to avoid extemporaneous speech. In a world in which one’s every public utterance…

Taking on a Strawman

By Marc Comtois | June 2, 2012 |

Last week, Tom Sgouros at RI Future wrote a piece explaining how President Obama hadn’t really grown government that much; that there wasn’t a “spending binge.” To support his claim, he posted a chart from a piece written by Rex Nutting. The problem was that the Nutting piece has been completely taken apart by the…