Election Reform

Old-time detective inspects a vote drop-box

Politics This Week: Evidence for Political and Electoral Trends

By Justin Katz | October 12, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss important stories in Rhode Island this week.

Monkey statues in see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil poses

Journalists find distrust of mail ballots inexplicable because they don’t want it explained.

By Justin Katz | October 10, 2023 |

Whether it’s deliberate manipulation or just a sloppy resort to groupthink, Nancy Lavin’s recent article on Rhode Island Current is a good illustration of how issues can be framed to support the preferences of the powerful. Note this section: Proponents tout these expansions as ways to improve voter turnout and access while easing the pressure…

Justin Katz reviews his Anchor Rising article on mail ballots on In the Dugout

In the Dugout: An Early Red Flag for Mail Ballots

By Justin Katz | October 6, 2023 |

Mike Stenhouse and Justin Katz review the unprecedented mail ballot results of Democrat State Senator Ana Quezada and their implications for RI elections.

A water drop and ripples

Don’t let the Connecticut mail ballot fraud slip out of awareness.

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2023 |

I mentioned to Mike Stenhouse on an episode of In the Dugout that will air soon that the danger of mail ballots may only be resolved when powerful people begin to worry that they won’t be better at it than their opposition.  That’s why it’s important to increase awareness of videos like this, from Connecticut: I…

The word, "vote," on puppet strings

Rhode Island should study Ana Quezada’s fabulous mail ballot results. (Updated)

By Justin Katz | October 3, 2023 |

State Senator Ana Quezada was a stand-out recipient of mail ballots, with surprisingly targeted support in specific precincts that didn’t spread into in-person votes as should have been expected.

A machine with its screws coming loose

Politics This Week: Loose Screws on the Insider Machine

By Justin Katz | October 2, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz watch as the insider machine becomes increasingly obvious.

A sunken boat surrounded by sharks

Politics This Week: Land of No Chance for Improvement

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review several of the dead ends to progress in the Ocean State.

A woman walks in a smokey alley

Politics This Week: Stories of Absolutely No Interest (To the Media)

By Justin Katz | September 11, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz tease out multiple stories that the local media could investigate to generate interest (but probably won’t).

A clam reading a newspaper

Politics This Week: Media and Identity in CD1 and Labor

By Justin Katz | September 6, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the implications of labor control and CD1 dynamics.

A water drop and ripples

By what authority is the Board of Elections discouraging votes for somebody duly placed on the ballot?

By Justin Katz | August 28, 2023 |

This is precisely the sort of application of supposed common sense without due process that incrementally undermines our rights. There is no process for a candidate to remove him or herself from the ballot, and as far as I know, there are no standards in law or regulation for the Board of Elections to determine…