[The Roll Call speech, below, by RI GOP National Committeewoman Sue Cienki on July 15 at the RNC Convention included a description of offshore wind, “industrial vandalism of the ocean”, that was not only on point but prophetic — the very next day, Nantucket announced the closure of its beaches and the world began to…
I’ve been mystified by young(er) adults’ absolute panic about “climate change” in the face of actual experience and the extended timelines of real problems, if they were real. Then I recently watched The Day After Tomorrow for the first time, and I wondered how huge an impact that movie (and the myriad lesser copies that have…
Two things occurred to me when I saw this aerial video of a wind turbine blade graveyard in Texas: First, this sort of thing already exists for 20-year-old turbines in an industry that is supposedly just getting started as a major industry. What sort of acreage will we be talking as we approach the…
To be honest, I feel for Gus Schumacher, the young man whom many conservatives mocked when he was the target of pointed questioning from Republican Senator John Kennedy: Yes, it’s telling that an ostensible witness for greater government control as a response to “climate change” knows very little about the science, but we’ve raised several…
John DePetro and Justin Katz explore various subjects about which journalists aren’t free to be clear.
The focus of the related article is explaining why the American Northwest was unique in the country in its increase in emissions from 2022 to 2023, but Rhode Island is a conspicuous red dot on Michael Thomas’s map: If accurate, this result shows “net zero” proclamations to be so much hot air, but what happened?…
Honestly, it looks like Lomborg has identified a typical example of the method of operations for alarmists with this tweet: As with economic numbers, environmental alarmism creates too much incentive of money and power for the numbers to be trusted.
Armand Domalewski asks an important question, when he observes a quick decrease in teen and young adult suicide after 1994, which held until about 2008 and in 2017 exceeded its previous high: The more important question, though, is what has been happening since 2007/2008. Having graduated high school in 1993, I’d speculate that the drop…
Honestly, I expected the COVID experience to put an end to the high-school-civics-project of banning single-use plastic bags, but stores’ bag dispensers now sit empty, and Rhode Islanders have another reason to lean toward shopping in Massachusetts or online. In Rhode Island, our legislators have a chronic difficulty understanding consequences and the availability of alternatives. …
Among the many reasons for growing distrust of mainstream journalism is its apparently incessant need to make everything an indication of impending doom. (This is true, at least, when mass hysteria is seen to serve Democrats, as with the climate. On matters that point in the other political direction, like illegal immigration and the economy,…