Mainstream Media
John DePetro and Justin Katz review ways in which the RI elite fail to represent the people.
John DePetro and Justin Katz explore the increasingly disconnected behavior of RI’s political elite.
Announcing the move of his cable news show to Twitter, Tucker Carlson suggests that most of what mainstream journalists report is factually true, but their stories are chosen and constructed so as to paint a completely false image of reality. Take Rhode Island education as an example. As long as I’ve been following the story, government-run…
Observing that a significant majority of Americans now believe the COVID lab-leak theory despite the idea’s having recently been banned on “Big Tech platforms,” Glenn Greenwald recalls a 2021 Pew Research finding that over a mere three-year span the percentage of Democrats who support big-tech censorship had grown from 60% to 76%, and (worse, in…
If you pay attention to non-leftwing media and/or haven’t blocked or muted anybody who isn’t progressive on social media, you’re likely to have heard that Anheuser-Busch has taken a huge financial hit after a young marketing executive aligned the company fully with radical gender ideologues by partnering with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, a man whose…
John DePetro and Justin Katz examine the ways an excessive purview and incompetence leave Rhode Island politicians and bureaucrats vulnerable to scams and other bad decisions.
John DePetro and Justin Katz interpret the unmistakable messages of RI insiders’ actions.
John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss things RI insiders do and don’t want the public to think about.