National Politics
Jonah Goldberg spotted in the news an instance in which the Obama Interior Department appears to have misrepresented the opinion of some scientists whom it consulted regarding a possible ban of offshore drilling: The draft these experts saw was substantively different from the document that bore their names. The draft called for a moratorium on…
To paraphrase, “Government acres is the place to be, government jobs are the life you see…”: Under the Obama administration, the government is doing such a good job that it’s decided to reward itself. Last year, Uncle Sam paid out $408 million in bonuses to 1.3 million federal workers…That $408 million figure only counts bonuses…
… of course, Katrina was not Bush’s Katrina. The only “serious” criticism that could be leveled is that he failed for several days to read the minds of a Governor and a Mayor who couldn’t stop sitting on their hands long enough to pick up the telephone and ask for help. But I’m risking an…
The video quality may be poor but the words from Alabama congressional candidate Les Phillip are some of the best I have heard in a long time. Rainy Day Patriots Speech Highlights. Here, again, is his ad posted earlier. His campaign website is here.
Reposting a December 5, 2008 post entitled Even Lenin would be impressed: Melanie Phillips: Trevor Loudon has got hold of a fascinating analysis of Prez-elect Obama’s administrative appointments by Mark Rudd and Jeff Jones, two former Weather Underground terrorists (chums of Obama’s old ally [chance acquaintance], the unrepentant former WU terrorist William Ayers). The two…
Some things speak for themselves: Rick Barber, Congressional candidate. Les Phillip, Congressional candidate. Dale Peterson, Ag Commissioner candidate.
Imagine how unpopular it will be when its costs really start to kick in: Support for repeal of the new national health care plan has jumped to its highest level ever. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of U.S. voters now favor repeal of the plan passed by congressional Democrats and…
When it was pointed out to Connecticut AG Richard (this space deliberately left blank) Blumenthal that newspaper articles had picked up and repeated his lies, thereby unwittingly contributing to his stolen valor, Mr. Blumenthal indignantly replied that he could not keep track of all news reports about himself. Not so fast. An editorial in Wednesday’s…
Dale Peterson for Alabama Ag Commissioner. (More on the ad here.) Another interpretation of GM CEO’s recent ad. (Full story here.)
Jay Nordlinger’s profile of Florida congressional candidate Allen West is interesting reading, overall, but this passage should haunt the days of all productive Rhode Islanders (emphasis added): After the Army, West taught high school for a while — history. He is especially pleased that some of his students went on to service academies. Then he…