National Politics

Shame on You, Sen. Reed

By Mac Owens | September 21, 2007 |

Yesterday the Senate passed a resolution condemning the disgraceful “General Betray-Us” ad in the NY Times sponsored by the despicable The resolution reads: To express the sense of the Senate that General David H. Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-National Force-Iraq, deserves the full support of the Senate and strongly condemn personal attacks on the honor…

An Informed Patriotism Grounded in Thoughtfulness, Knowledge & Discussions Around the Dinner Table

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 19, 2007 |

An excerpt from Ronald Reagan’s Farewell Address: …Finally, there is a great tradition of warnings in presidential farewells, and I’ve got one that’s been on my mind for some time. But oddly enough it starts with one of the things I’m proudest of in the past eight years: the resurgence of national pride that I…

The Propriety of Responding to the President

By Marc Comtois | September 14, 2007 |

Feeding into the WPRO ad, “Where do bloggers go….”, Dan Yorke brings up an interesting point. Why was there a need for a “Democrat response” to the Presidential speech on the status of the conflict in Iraq? Dan talked to Brown University’s Darrell West about it, and they came to the following conclusions: 1) There…

Finding Common Moral Ground

By Marc Comtois | September 14, 2007 |

John Miller–in the recent National Review–calls attention to a set of moral initiatives and legislation that the moral and religious of left/right/center have been putting forward: Halting the international and domestic trafficking and enslavement of millions of girls, women, and children. Promoting international religious freedom as a core element of U.S. human-rights policy. Eliminating domestic…

Yet More News You Can Hsuse

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 13, 2007 |

According to the Associated Press, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has moved from returning campaign contributions received directly from Norman Hsu ($23,000) to returning all contributions raised and/or bundled by Mr. Hsu (about $850,000). According to the Wall Street Journal, many other prominent Democrats have also announced that they will be returning any of their…

More News You Can Hsuse

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 6, 2007 |

According to the Associated Press, after Democratic Party fundraiser and convicted con-man Norman Hsu missed his court date yesterday, Congressman Patrick Kennedy reversed his original decision to keep his $6,200 in donations from Mr. Hsu and decided to give the money to charity instead. However, even after the no-show at court and the issuance of…

News You Can Hsuse

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 5, 2007 |

Matt Jerzyk of Rhode Island’s Future and Tim Raymond of Rhode Island’s newest news aggregator StartRI (see comment #3 here) {UPDATE: the earliest source on this appears to be a Projo Political Scene item from last Friday} are reporting that Senator Jack Reed will return the $2,500 in campaign money he received from Norman Hsu,…

Sexless Sex Scandals & Liberal Moralizing

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 1, 2007 |

Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig has resigned. With a h/t to Instapundit, I found these comments from Eric Scheie on the Craig story to be most amusing: I realize that there are things missing in this analysis, and of course the biggest problem is that it does not involve actual sex, but the perception of…

Clinton’s Funny Money Man Gave to Rhode Island Candidates

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 30, 2007 |

According to today’s New York Times, the Presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton has decided to forgo some large campaign contributions from a dubious source…Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign said yesterday that it would give to charity $23,000 it had received from a prominent Democratic donor, and review thousands of dollars more that he had raised,…

Pull String for Talking Points

By Justin Katz | August 27, 2007 |

A short while ago, Congressman Langevin, speaking to Dan Yorke, did me the favor of reminding me why I’ve ceased to listen to politicians’ public performances. I think I could just about hear the sound a ballpoint pen makes against yellow legal-pad paper as he checked off each item on his talking-points list (multiple times).…