President ’08

Huckabee, Obama Win in Iowa

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 3, 2008 |

From CNN, on the Republican side, with 76% of precincts in…Mike Huckabee 34%Mitt Romney 25%Fred Thompson 14%John McCain 13%Ron Paul 10%Rudy Giuliani 4%…and on the Democratic side, with 94% of precincts reporting…Barack Obama 37%John Edwards 30%Hillary Clinton 30%

Open Thread: Presidential Voting Finally Begins Today

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 3, 2008 |

Here’s your last chance to make a prediction about how the Presidential election will turn out, before actual results start to be reported, tonight from the Iowa Caucuses, next Tuesday from the New Hampshire primary. Will Ricci of the Ocean State Republican has already registered his predictions here; Sarah Highland of America’s Frontier (and Providence…

Rasmussen’s Magic Campaign 8-Ball Says “Cannot predict now”

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 30, 2007 |

I know, I know, Iowa and New Hampshire are going to kick things in some definite direction in just a few days, and you can’t use national averages to stand in for the state-by-state results that really decide the race. Still, Rasmussen‘s daily Presidential tracking numbers (reported December 30th) say there is no national frontrunner…

Fred Thompson Passes 1,000 Signatures

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 28, 2007 |

According to the Rhode Island Secretary of State’s website, Fred Thompson has submitted over 1,000 signatures validated by local boards of canvassers to the state, joining Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney as Republican candidates who have successfully cleared the first hurdle for getting on the Rhode Island primary ballot.…

Forming the RI Republican Presidential Ballot

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 27, 2007 |

Rumors of fewer than three Republicans making the Rhode Island Presidential Preference Primary ballot appear to have been exaggerated. Edward Fitzpatrick of the Projo writes… Republicans Mitt Romney, John McCain, Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul and Democrat Christopher Dodd have submitted enough signatures to appear on Rhode Island’s March 4 presidential primary ballots, according to…

Huckabee: The Candidate We’d Love Not to Hate

By Justin Katz | December 24, 2007 |

Well, “hate” is a bit strong; “suspect” would be better. A few things I read yesterday jointly bring into focus the feeling that a large segment of the political right likely has about Mike Huckabee. The good comes from Mark Steyn: Because Mike Huckabee mentioned “the birth of Christ”, he liberated the equivocal tentative finger-in-the-windy…

Open Thread: Republican Presidential Nomination

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 18, 2007 |

Since the collapse of the (now slightly rebounding) John McCain campaign earlier this year, the conventional wisdom has been that the Republican nomination would be decided in a one-on-one battle between Rudy Giuliani and whoever emerged as the winner of the GOP’s “Conservative Division” in the early states. However, almost all of the politically knowledgable…

State Primaries: Dates & Delegates

By Monique Chartier | December 8, 2007 | Comments Off on State Primaries: Dates & Delegates

The clash between state and national committees over the scheduling of state primaries has led the national committees of both parties to nullify the presidential delegates from certain states, though in differing proportions. There is speculation that the national committees will not adhere to this tough stance. But in both parties, there’s a belief that…

Romney Speech: The Public Square Cannot Be Naked

By Donald B. Hawthorne | December 6, 2007 |

The Corner provides excerpts from Mitt Romney’s speech today, which suggest it will focus on the broader strategic question of what role religion should play in the American public square instead of the granularity of Mormon theology: There are some who may feel that religion is not a matter to be seriously considered in the…

Open Thread: Republican Presidential Nomination

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 5, 2007 |

The race for the Republican Presidential nomination seems more wide open than ever before. Here are the daily tracking numbers from Rasmussen…Mike Huckabee 20%Rudy Giuliani 17%Mitt Romney 13% John McCain 13%John Podhoretz of Commentary Magazine suggests that Mike Huckabee is picking up the Fred Thompson voters that Fred Thompson failed to attract. The questions are…Are…