President ’08

It’s All in the “But”

By Justin Katz | November 16, 2007 |

This is for those who think that Rudy Giuliani’s philosophy on the judiciary will compensate for his personal view on abortion: “But with Roe—a strict constructionist judge could come to either conclusion about Roe v. Wade. He could come to the conclusion that it was incorrectly decided, overturn it, or he could decide well, it’s…

Rhode Island’s Presidential Primary Will Be On March 4

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 5, 2007 |

From Jack Perry of the Projo’s 7-to-7 newsblog…Governor Carcieri has vetoed a bill moving Rhode Island’s presidential primary from March 4 to Feb. 5. The governor said a change in the date would “create an excessive burden on local boards of canvassers.” He vetoed the bill yesterday and announced it today.Here are the important dates…

Are Hillary Clinton’s Parsing Days Over?

By Marc Comtois | November 2, 2007 |

Hey, it’s Friday afternoon: let’s have some fun. First, this one was put together by the RNC (via Human Events): Then there’s this one put together by the John Edwards campaign (via The Corner): As commenter Greg points out: “It’s beautiful to see that Bill [Clinton]’s strategy of ‘triangulation’, which is a nice way of…

The Republican Presidential Candidates Ask For Your Help

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 2, 2007 |

Providence GOP Chairman and Rhode Island Republican Update editor Dave Talan passes along lots of good information for Rhode Islanders looking to get involved at the grass-roots level with a Presidential Campaign. 1. There are still two possible primary schedules in play. Early next week, Governor Carcieri will decide whether or not to sign the…

Senator Clinton: Illegals Should Have Licenses

By Marc Comtois | November 1, 2007 |

We know that there was a license scam in RI and now a similar one has been uncovered in Massachusetts (and other states). Typically, the “license rings” operate in similar ways: corrupt registry clerks work with middlemen, who sell the licenses to illegal immigrants, criminals, and others looking to cover their identities. The driver’s licenses…

Republicans, Belay Your Panic…

By Carroll Andrew Morse | October 29, 2007 |

Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson have both rebounded in Rasmussen‘s head-to-head polling versus Hillary Clinton. Two weeks ago, Hillary Clinton was leading both Republicans in Rasmussen’s results. This week, they’re again neck and neck and neck (survey conducted October 22-23)…Rudy Giuliani 46%Hillary Clinton 44%Fred Thompson 45%Hillary Clinton 47%Because a dead-heat is most consistent with long-term…

Republican Debate

By Monique Chartier | October 21, 2007 |

The Republican candidates for President are debating tonight on Fox News Channel.

Hillary Clinton Gets Take-out in Chinatown

By Monique Chartier | October 20, 2007 |

The Los Angeles Times has done a little gumshoe work and determined that Senator Hillary Clinton has received substantial campaign contributions from quite a few people of modest means. All three locations, along with scores of others scattered throughout some of the poorest Chinese neighborhoods in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx, have been swept by…

Clinton Gaining Momentum in Head-to-Heads. Time to Panic Yet?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | October 15, 2007 |

According to Rasmussen‘s latest head-to-head results, it’s time for Republicans to start getting worried (survey conducted October 8-9)…Hillary Clinton 48%Rudy Giuliani 41% Hillary Clinton 52%Fred Thompson 37%Usual caveats: it’s early, campaigns haven’t gotten their messages out to the general election audience, normal people don’t really make up their minds until late, etc. However, the counter-caveat…

One Red Stater Proud to be Associated with the Blue

By Carroll Andrew Morse | October 12, 2007 |

Responding to a Birmingham News story on his longer than long-shot Preisdential run…They’re all Republicans who want to be president: Rudy Giuliani of New York, Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, John McCain of Arizona, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, Hugh Cort of Mountain Brook, Mike Huckabee of – Whoa! Hugh Cort of Mountain Brook? Alabama?…All those other…