Rhode Island Politics

Meet the New Boss…er…it is the Old Boss!

By Marc Comtois | November 3, 2010 |

The famous quote from Strother Martin in Cool Hand Luke also comes to mind: What we’ve got here is… failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach. So you get what we had here last [night], which is the way he wants it… well, he gets it. I don’t like it any more than…

2010 Election Night 11:00 Ticker

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 2, 2010 |

[11:24] With mail ballots counted, R-Dan Gordon now has a 49-vote lead in House 71. [11:21] Incumbent D-Joy Hearn wins by just 4 votes over R-Margaret Kane in House 66 (Barrington/East Providence). [11:08] R-Mike Chippendale beats D-Scott Pollard in North Westconnaug (District 40), 55-45, avenging the defeat of Nick Gorham two years ago. [11:03] In…

RI Senate Summary

By Justin Katz | November 2, 2010 |

With all but two precincts at 100% (and those over 90%) it looks like the RI Senate now has 8 Republicans, one Republican-like independent (Ed O’Neill), and one Michael Pinga Democrat. That’s 26% of the body.

2010 Election Night 10:30 Ticker

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 2, 2010 |

[10:57] R-Christopher Ottiano defeats incumbent D-Charles Levesque in Senate 11, 55-45. [10:54] And speaking of squeakers, incumbent R-David Bates holds on against D-Jim Hasenfus in Barrington/Bristol (District 32) 51.6-48.4. [10:53] R-Nicholas Kettle wins the Senate seat he knocked Leo Blais out of in the primary (District 21), in a 3-way squeaker 39.5-37.6-22.9. [10:48] R-Glen Shibley…

2010 Election Night 10:00 Ticker

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 2, 2010 |

[10:31] With all precincts reporting in John Loughlin’s former district (House 71) R-Dan Gordon is ahead ofhis D-challenger by 4 votes. Definitely will have to count absentee ballots, to make this official. [10:26] With all precincts reporting from House 25, R-Giovanni Calise is behind D-Jared Nunes by less than 80 votes. Probably will have to…

2010 Election Night 9:30 Ticker

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 2, 2010 |

[9:37] According to the BOE website, with Kilmartin leading for AG 45-29, and Roberts over Healey 57-36, Robitaille is leading over Chafee and Caprio, 35-30-28. [9:32] How come Channel 10 has results the Board of Elections doesn’t yet?

2010 Election Night 9:00 Ticker

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 2, 2010 |

[9:29] House 39, Rod Driver’s old seat I beleive, is 50%-50% with 3 of 9 precincts in, between Michael Picillo (R) and Larry Valencia (D but OCG) [9:26] I’m through, for the moment. One of the precints already in, in the 1 or 2 or 3 precincts being reported on so far is District 39…

Suburbia and Urbia

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 2, 2010 |

Ted Nesi‘s 7:45 item…But the reports I’m getting from out in the 1st District should certainly be making Cicilline’s team – and national Democrats – a little nervous. Turnout appears to be pretty weak not only in Providence, but in other cities that are important for Cicilline to win, like Central Falls and Pawtucket. By…

Turnout Clues

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 2, 2010 |

Ian Donnis (WRNI On Politics) is reporting that the excutive secreatary of the Providence Board of canvassers says that turnout in Providence is relatively low. Ted Nesi (WPRI-TV), on the other hand, says that the Cicilline campaign is pleased with the East Side’s turnout…Cicilline campaign manager Eric Hyers tells Tim White that “East Side precincts…

When the Government Claims All the Jewels

By Justin Katz | November 2, 2010 |

Another bond on the ballot today would have cash-strapped Rhode Islanders agree to take on more debt to buy waterfront land. Barbara Polichetti’s Providence Journal article sounds almost parodicly like a sales pitch: And it’s hard to find anyone who disagrees. Clearly, she didn’t look very hard. Michael Sullivan, director of the state Department of…