Rhode Island Politics
Pondering something not at all self-referential, I got to wondering who might rank on a top 10 list of conservative Rhode Islanders. (Given the competition, let’s define “conservative” as “right-of-center.”) Some names and placements are obvious, but what would the breakdown be? I suppose one would first have to settle on criteria. There are folks…
Matt Allen and I touched on twittering, sex ed, and economic development, last night on the Matt Allen show. If twittering is as addictive and time-consuming as some folks have suggested, then we might do well to get our state legislators hooked. Stream by clicking here, or download it.
A group of lawmakers (House and Senate Finance Committees? can’t tell from this ProJo article – not that I’m complaining! I’m glad for any coverage) has agreed on a supplemental budget for the current fiscal year, which they will vote on tomorrow, presumably setting up a vote soon by the full House and Senate. House…
The Kent County Times reports that the West Warwick school district is making progress on its $3.1 million deficit. The savings of $555,000 through the end of Fiscal Year 2009 will not close the $3.1 million deficit that the schools still face, [Director of Administration and Transportation Michael] Petrarca admitted. But the contract, which was…
Governor Don Carcieri was the final speaker at the Rhode Island Statewide Coalition’s Winter Meeting (stream entire speech): RISC Chairman Harry Staley’s introduction: stream, download Opening remarks — coverage of the budget proposal has been “incomprehensible”; “politics is a contact sport”; “I am mad as hell”: stream, download The need for RISC and citizen action…
Steven Stycos at the Phoenix has a good piece explaining the various lobbying influences being exerted at the State House. The focus is on corporations: Last year, the insurance industry was the biggest spender on lobbyists, dedicating more than three-quarters of a million dollars to getting its way, according to a Phoenix review of lobbying…
Lest I be misunderstood, perhaps a note’s in order stating that I support the Ocean State 38 initiative that Travis Rowley describes. As a political organization, the RIGOP must reinvent itself at the local level and build from there — not just for fundraising, but in order to get to know voters and to identify…
Anchor Rising asked all of Rhode Island’s General Officers, other than the Governor, their stance on e-verify. Governor Carcieri – Supports Lieutenant Governor Roberts – Opposes. Her office issued the following statement to Anchor Rising. Lt. Governor Roberts complies with all state and federal immigration laws when it comes to hiring employees in her office…
In attempting to navigate the difficult waters that separate my employer and the clients on whose property we labor, I’ve at times been called “The Diplomat.” I very often disagree with his decisions and, even more often, his methods, but there’s a job to be done, and it requires that responsibility be properly allocated and…
Travis Rowley, Chairman of the Rhode Island Young Republicans, in a recent posting discussing the Ocean State 38 on the Ocean State Republican blog, purposely and inaccurately attempts to link the Moderate Party of Rhode Island to efforts to rehabilitate the RI GOP. In his post, Travis attempts to show that the RI GOP has…