RI Governor ’10

No Comment from Lincoln Chafee on Organized Labor’s Focus on Opposing RI Pension Reform

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 24, 2010 |

Based on independent Gubernatorial candidate Lincoln Chafee’s description of party primaries as “destructive beasts” in response to Christine O’Donnell’s victory in the Delaware Republican Senate primary (earlier Anchor Rising item here), I e-mailed the Chafee campaign to ask if Mr. Chafee believed that opposition to pension reform constituted a purity test for organized labor’s political…

Caprio’s New Target

By Justin Katz | September 22, 2010 |

So, in the year-plus prior to the election, General Treasurer Frank Caprio courted the Rhode Island right — Anchor Rising, the Ocean State Policy Research Institute, and the Rhode Island Statewide Coalition — to foster the general impression that he’d be a tolerable governor. He talked the small-business, free market talk. During the primaries, while…

Lincoln Chafee and Destructive Beasts

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 17, 2010 |

According to Philip Elliot of the Associated Press, former Senator and Independent Gubernatorial Candidate Lincoln Chafee had this to say about Mike Castle’s defeat in Delaware’s Senatorial Primary…[Chafee] pointed to Castle’s loss Tuesday as the latest example of a competent lawmaker losing his seat in an unrealistic purity test. “These primaries, they’re destructive beasts,” Chafee…

Keep the Bugs Out

By Justin Katz | September 15, 2010 |

Know the politician by the company he keeps: In 2007, two well-known figures on the Northeast political landscape dropped their Republican party affiliation and became Independents with a capital “I”. One was New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the other former U.S. Senator Lincoln D. Chafee. On Thursday, Bloomberg is headed this way to…

Maybe I’m Too Cynical, But…

By Justin Katz | September 14, 2010 |

Did you happen to catch this article by Felice Freyer? Do you want a governor who will embrace the law and make the most of it? Independent Lincoln D. Chafee, Democrat Frank T. Caprio and Moderate Party candidate Kenneth J. Block all accept the law — with varying degrees of enthusiasm — and all pledge…

The Cooperative Temper

By Justin Katz | September 13, 2010 |

Among the arguments that candidate Victor Moffitt has made for his election as governor has been an asserted ability to work with the General Assembly without Governor Don Carcieri’s “CEO mentality.” By that phrase, he means dictating policies and taking an overbearing posture. As I’ve written, I disagree with that assessment. I also disagree when…

Ken Block, on Frank Caprio’s Move in the 38 Studios Saga

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 31, 2010 |

In the course of an interview with Moderate party Gubernatorial Candidate Ken Block, I had the opportunity to get Mr. Block’s immediate reaction to the news that General Treasurer and Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio had taken steps today to prevent the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation loan-guarantee deal with 38 Studios from being implemented……

Victor Moffit on Regionalization, the Tenth Amendment and Running for Governor

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 23, 2010 |

A major theme of Republican Victor Moffitt‘s campaign for Governor of Rhode Island has been regionalizing municipal services. At Saturday’s Tenth Amendment rally at the RI Statehouse, I asked Rep. Moffitt if he would like to answer a question on the parallel between the states losing power to the Federal Government, obviously contrary to the…

Candidates Have to Know Better

By Justin Katz | August 18, 2010 |

I do not intend to express a position on the RIGOP primary race for governor with this post, but sometimes the ball comes lofting so nice and slow over the net that it’s beyond my self control not to swing at it: On Tuesday they went at it again during an hourlong debate on WPRO…

“Independent” Candidate, Inside Players

By Justin Katz | August 1, 2010 |

It’s old news, at this point, that Linc Chafee won the endorsement of the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and Health Professionals, but I’ve been holding on to my clipping of the article until a moment presented itself to highlight the essential truth of his campaign: Chafee described the endorsement as a recognition of his…