
A young figure looks up the stairs in a shadowy building

Don’t allow the trans movement to undermine good parenting.

By Justin Katz | October 6, 2023 |

As public figures establish new norms in keeping with the fashionable ideology of the trans movement, parents have to recall their primary responsibility, even if it means the discomfort of suggesting other parents are wrong.

Man Shakes Money Out of Another Man's Pockets

I’ve got no special feelings for Washington Trust, but I don’t trust the plaintiff.

By Justin Katz | September 28, 2023 |

Yesterday, through the ministrations of U.S. District Attorney Zachary Cunha under Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Biden administration pressured Rhode Island’s Washington Trust bank into a multimillion-dollar settlement and imposed a big PR hit over alleged racism in its lending practices.  Journalists are faithfully transcribing the “redlining” narrative they’ve been handed, which means our state…

A homeless man sleeping on a park bench at night

Ahlquist’s Armrest Revelations

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2023 |

One hesitates to make too much of an activist article like Steve Ahlquist’s August 9 report and transcription of a conversation with a Woonsocket city worker.  However, two observations are worth making, considering Progressives’ ascendance in Rhode Island and beyond. The first relates to the underlying issue.  The city has installed armrests in the middle…

A water drop and ripples

RI pediatricians shouldn’t care more about indoctrination than children.

By Justin Katz | September 19, 2023 |

As is increasingly required, Nicole Solas has gone outside of Rhode Island to bring attention to a problem within the state, writing in Daily Caller: I pay my pediatrician for check-ups and throat cultures, not ideological finger-wagging about sex education in kindergarten. But at that moment I realized that gender ideology in medicine and education was…

Sledge hammer

Matos’ Home Depot attack on Amo is a lesson in progressive thinking.

By Justin Katz | August 23, 2023 |

Lieutenant Governor Sabina Matos’s attempt to tar competitor Gabe Amos for — get this — having ties to Home Depot is fascinating: He wants voters to focus on his work as a public servant and to ignore the fact that he was a registered lobbyist for Home Depot despite the company’s ties to the far-right…

Animals stampede into a river

Liberation psychiatry could destroy our civilization.

By Justin Katz | August 11, 2023 |

Whether well-intentioned or conspiratorial, prescribing political activism as a form of therapy will inevitably create a destructive cycle.

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence march in Washington, D.C. in 1993

The Dodgers’ disinvitation of a queer anti-Catholic hate group clarifies the cultural stakes.

By Justin Katz | May 19, 2023 |

Presentation of an anti-Catholic hate group as a charity, sartorial evangelism after a school shooting, and taxpayer-funded abortions are warnings of a tightening totalitarian grip on the United States.

Crazy Eggs

We can pay attention now or find out how many bodies it takes to break a narrative.

By Justin Katz | May 17, 2023 |

An entirely plausible interpretation of events sounds crazy, suggesting we all have an interest in pushing back and enforcing accountability for those who’ve brought us to this point.

Goya Attended by Doctor

Watch the inversion from their responsibility to care for you to your responsibility to die for them.

By Justin Katz | May 16, 2023 |

In recent conversation with Tim Ferriss, Canadian writer-explorer Wade Davis took a slight detour to speak of the community benefits of Canada’s socialized healthcare system: It has everything to do with social solidarity. It has everything to do with every Canadian knowing that they belong, and knowing that if their kid gets sick, they will…

Arms hold an anchor above the water

“Pay equity” mandates are another weight dragging down the Ocean State.

By Justin Katz | May 9, 2023 |

Clearing out some old links reminded me that Rhode Island’s “pay equity” statute goes into effect this year, as Jack Kelly wrote in Forbes in late 2021.  While generally supportive of the legislation, Kelly did acknowledge the potential for “unintended consequences”: According to Joshua Nadreau, a partner in the Boston office of the labor and employment…