Progressive activists wanted for false flag operations.

Things are getting humorous (and obvious) out there.  Over the past few days, we’ve all had a good laugh at the Democrat activists (one of them Black) who dressed up as white supremacists to try to tar Virginia Republican Glenn Youngkin.  More recently, I noticed local Democrats in Rhode Island gleefully fixating on the story of QAnon folks thinking JFK Jr. was going to emerge from the dead and make an announcement about Donald Trump.  Last night, a guy in a cowboy hat wearing a crisp jean jacket with a brand new Confederate flag patch sewn awkwardly on the back set himself up in front of the media at a Youngkin rally, and they dutifully made the association.

Maybe some such incidents are genuine and not false flags to tar Republicans, but they’re telling, either way.  Clearly, much of the appeal for people to be Democrats (or at least Democrat activists) is in order to see themselves as better than other people.  Thus, the story often isn’t what a Republican candidate says, believes, or proposes, but who happens to be somewhere within his or her coalition of supporters.  The message isn’t, “don’t support this candidate based on ideas,” but rather, “don’t be like these people who support this candidate.”

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