Quick Read

A Zoom meeting

Open meetings law is the cutting edge of state government’s failure.

By Justin Katz | January 7, 2022 |

What a joke this all is: The open government coalition ACCESS/RI and a number of municipal officials had urged McKee to provide the authorization for remote meetings as COVID-19 cases soar across Rhode Island. The East Providence City Council was among the entities forced to cancel a scheduled meeting this week after members tested positive…

A mural on a highway bridge

RI tax policy should consider the distinction between being here and doing things here.

By Justin Katz | January 7, 2022 |

The Rhode Island Public Expenditures Council (RIPEC) notes that Rhode Island’s downward slide on the Tax Foundation Business Tax Climate Index continues, with the Ocean State exiting the 30-something range on the bad side for the first time since 2017, at 40.  The only saving graces are that Connecticut has been stuck at 47 forever…

A hand reaches for chains

Freedom is lost with ratchets and excuses.

By Justin Katz | January 7, 2022 |

A friend recently told me about a Massachusetts school that is explicitly leveraging peer pressure to influence families’ medical decisions related to COVID.  The initiative seems to encourage a form of bullying that is unhealthy for both the students applying and the students receiving the pressure, and it reminded me of past initiatives that gave…

An empty classroom

Look to recent history to see how over-the-top our school response to COVID is.

By Justin Katz | January 6, 2022 |

Rhode Island teachers have been posting their attendance records on social media, today.  Providence high school social studies and journalism teacher Dale Fraza listed his period 3 attendance as: Present: 4 Absent: 4 Quarantined: 9 This madness made me think that some academic with enhanced access to public school information should do a study of…

A dark classroom

The Woke Academy charter school is hiring in Providence.

By Justin Katz | January 6, 2022 |

John DePetro has spotted a curious requirement for a job at Hope Academy charter school in Providence, which he redubs “Woke Academy”: They currently have a job posting (listed below) for a teachers assistant that is woke and steeped in Critical Race Theory. It starts with the ability to be aware of ” microaggressions and…

A man in a plague mask on a swing

Take the time to think about COVID claims in the mainstream media.

By Justin Katz | January 6, 2022 |

Yesterday, I got a glimpse of how the other half perceives COVID.  A Rhode Island progressive shared a tweet storm by some software guy (not a blue check) collecting every study that could be cited with ominous overtones about the supposed long-term effects of the virus. It was the worst kind of analysis.  Each of…

United Van Lines 2021 map of state migration

Who’s on the move into and out of Rhode Island?

By Justin Katz | January 5, 2022 |

For the second year running, United Van Lines’ study of its customers finds Rhode Island to be have more people moving in than moving out.  In fact, percentagewise, Rhode Island was the tenth-most-inbound state.  What’s going on?  Has the Ocean State somehow become a population draw? This particular data isn’t well enough defined to get…

Sign reading "Racism Is A Pandemic"

How did racism become so widely accepted in our society again?

By Justin Katz | January 5, 2022 |

Honestly, I thought the matter was settled.  Judging people and giving them preferential or detrimental treatment based on the color of their skin is wrong.  Segregating people and providing opportunities to different groups based on race is bad. I don’t know how it happened, but one is apt to be called a “racist” for saying…

A building on fire

Social and mainstream media facilitates the mob-whipping progressives.

By Justin Katz | January 5, 2022 |

As un-fun as it no doubt was, Patricia Morgan’s experience as a sudden Emmanuel Goldstein for progressives across the country was an opportunity to observe how the mania mob is whipped up. At 10:02 a.m. on December 28, she tweeted the now-infamous comment about the loss of a black friend, presumably over the promulgation of…

A man with his head in a box

Calenda exposes the problem when the media decides it doesn’t have to cover points of view.

By Justin Katz | January 4, 2022 |

One of the bigger local stories in Rhode Island, right now, is the (alleged) killing of an East Greenwich teen by a long-rap-sheet thug who shared beforehand his intention to drive while intoxicated, albeit with his mind on harming himself rather than others.  The story is heartbreaking on multiple fronts, but for this post, let’s…