Armand Domalewski asks an important question, when he observes a quick decrease in teen and young adult suicide after 1994, which held until about 2008 and in 2017 exceeded its previous high: The more important question, though, is what has been happening since 2007/2008. Having graduated high school in 1993, I’d speculate that the drop…
Entirely apart from ideological battles, the push at the ABC6 news operation in Rhode Island is a bad sign for the station: Over a quarter century of living in Rhode Island, I’ve seen no movement from ABC6 toward a greater competitive position against WJAR (10) and WPRI (12). The perennial third-place laggard from a struggling…
I’m a little slow with this, but I still want to chime in on how telling this is: It’s never a good sign when politicians find themselves explaining to constituents why they (the People) are exaggerating the difficulties they (the politicians) are causing them with unarguably incompetence, but it’s so, so emblematic of RI government.…
The following sentiment, expressed here by a small-business owner being crushed by the Washington Bridge closure, has been expressed by people seeking to reform Rhode Island for decades, so it is encouraging to find it somewhere outside of our meetings and events: “think of how successful we could be if we weren’t having to pick…
The signs of Rhode Island’s decline are piling up, but here’s a small one worth noting: Once considered a pipe dream, a new $100 million Rhode Island state archives museum is closer than ever to being built. … … McKee’s office has asked to investigate whether the land next door to the Providence Amtrak station…
When I see statements like the following (from a former Bernie Sanders surrogate, in this case), my reaction is usually, “Fair enough, but then what”? So what’s the alternative? If we move toward the single-payer, government-managed system Dr. Dooley likely supports, then it’ll be politicians and bureaucrats rather than doctors. And even in the case…
A truism about government used to be heard periodically: A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. That saying’s a bit dark, though, and makes its point in an extreme way that younger Americans who’ve been raised with an implicit trust of big government…
As business-as-usual as it may be, we shouldn’t become numb to Rhode Island’s base-level corruption, as Democrat House Speaker Joseph Shekarchi demonstrates here: Charitable contributions are wonderful, but this photograph raises some questions. Is that his official State House office? Is that a personal check, a gift from his campaign, or a taxpayer-funded legislative grant? …
The quotation John pulls from the article is worth highlighting: The disregard of the law is only an incremental worsening of the problem. Teachers’ going on strike (especially for crass considerations like even higher pay and benefits) has always seemed shocking to me and one of the reasons their unionization seems wholly inappropriate. If they…
I used to spend time pointing out the problem with this sort of bean-counting racism (and sexism), but it hardly seems interesting anymore. The findings aren’t meant to indicate anything real; they’re simply intended to promote a simple-minded ideology. We can see this in the fact that the conclusions only ever point in one direction. …