Justin Katz
Here’s an important detail from a recent budget analysis by the Rhode Island Public Expenditures Council (RIPEC), as summarized by WPRI’s Eli Sherman: In a breakdown of the hospital’s financial picture, RIPEC estimated McKee is seeking to spend $143.7 million in state and federal revenue next fiscal year on the state-run medical and psychiatric facility,…
We’re not supposed to eat meat on Fridays during Lent. However, yesterday was the Solemnity of the Annunciation, which means the rule of abstaining from meat was suspended for the day. Whether Biden knew of the suspension, we cannot know. Even if he didn’t, this would have been a small transgression (especially compared with…
Of course, I agree with Erika Sanzi across the board on the issues she mentions in her latest Valley Breeze op-ed. Support for school choice and opposition to vaccine and mask mandates, radical gender ideology, and racial indoctrination — check, check, check, and check. For that reason, I want to issue a little bit of a…
More frequently than I liked, during my years reading the thousands of bills submitted in the Rhode Island General Assembly each year, I’d come across one that made me wonder how anybody could submit such a thing. Legislators couldn’t truly be representative of their constituents if they were expected to be the uber academics we…
Westerly produces another bit of evidence that Rhode Island is not ultimately a free state: [Tom] Riley and Debbie Stebenne said they spent almost $30,000 on a custom party bike for their hotel near Misquamicut Beach. The goal was to bring an attraction to Rhode Island that is already a success in cities like Nashville,…
Issuing his groveling hostage statement for expressing his professional opinion at a public meeting, Charlestown Emergency Management Agency Director Kevin Gallup may have saved himself from cancelation, but in doing so, he gave more of our shared ground of freedom away to the woke wave: “Like everyone, I have blind spots,” Gallup said. “I hope…
John and Justin discuss high-profile political races, threats to RI freedoms, and the possibility of arson.
In a curious alignment of political machines, both the Massachusetts House and the House of Representatives in Congress independently passed their own “CROWN Acts,” which both would, as WPRI’s Kayla Fish puts it in the case of Massachusetts, “prohibit discrimination based on a person’s hair.” Naturally, the bill is being sold in racial terms, but…
Does the headline of this post seem unreasonable? I can’t decide. I wrote it to illustrate a point about the unreasonable activism of woke progressives, but as I considered whether to go with it or not, the statement began to look like a pretty straightforward description of events. The “fascist” is Jennifer Lima, who is…
Whether in a fictional battle of good and evil or real-life politics, when the dark side is ascendant, we have an unfortunate tendency to ascribe to it a competence it does not have. Sure, a cabal of elite globalists may scheme on behalf of a Great Reset, but… they’re nuts. In the long run, their…