Civil Liberties

A ring of doctors and nurses

Taking on Health and the World

By John Loughlin | November 13, 2021 |

Dr. Tim Shafman on lung cancer, Dr. Stephen Skoly on vaccine mandate harm, Laurie Gaddis Barrett on the school mask mandate lawsuit, and Major Wayne Morse.

A water drop and ripples

Yes, the motivation for disclaiming natural immunity is a puzzle.

By Justin Katz | November 12, 2021 |

Roger Simon asks Republican Congresswoman (and pharmacist) Diana Harshbarger a question pondered often in this space: So she was a perfect person to ask why she thought the Democrats—aka “The Party of Science,” or so our learned president tells us—ignores natural immunity in favor of taking a militant stand on mandates. Rep. Harshbarger’s reply: “When it…

A water drop and ripples

How can any organization not be free to take beliefs into account when hiring senior management?

By Justin Katz | November 6, 2021 |

Some news stories, even ones where “my side” wins, so to speak, gives me a how-did-we-get-to-this-place headache.  The somewhat autonomous British island of Guernsey nearly passed an anti-discrimination law that would have forced all organizations, including Catholic schools, to ignore their belief systems when hiring employees, even in leadership positions.  Even local Protestants spoke up…

A Waterfire performer

Fighting Wars Against Everything from Cancer to Economic Ignorance

By John Loughlin | October 30, 2021 |

Dr. Tim Shafman discusses breast cancer in women and men, Ed Cabral announces a special Waterfire to honor veterans, Attorney Mark Smith talks about the Second Amendment, and former Trump White House economic advisor Peter Navarro presents his new book.

A water drop and ripples

Christian movies fully engage the politics of the culture war.

By Justin Katz | October 25, 2021 |

I’ve got to admit this trailer got me amped to see the movie, even though I had no idea this series was up to its fourth movie.

Edwin Lord Mills A Royal Procession

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Hints of Where the Left Government Is Headed

By Justin Katz | October 25, 2021 |

John and Justin discuss hints and tells in the political news that indicate the future for which RI Democrats are hoping.

A water drop and ripples

Referring civil rights violations against January 6 defendants to the U.S. attorney general is a joke.

By Justin Katz | October 25, 2021 |

I mean, come on: “It’s clear to me the civil rights of the defendant were violated by the D.C. Department of Corrections,” Lamberth said. “I don’t know if it’s because he’s a January 6 defendant or not.” More importantly, the contempt order also directed the Clerk of the D.C. district court to transmit the order…

American flag in a field at sunset

Three types of rights cast a shadow on RI’s current situation.

By Justin Katz | October 22, 2021 |

Locally, the Rhode Island opposition (such as it is) is grappling with the shifting ground of our rights. Presumably, for example, parents have a right to send their children to schools that do not provide pornographic material to them and to demand a reversal via school committee meetings when that reasonable expectation is not met. …

Scene from Field of Dreams

A pornographic young-adult graphic novel in North Kingstown High School is another slip down the spiral.

By Justin Katz | October 19, 2021 |

Nicole Solas of South Kingstown has widened her efforts to return sanity to Rhode Island schools to North Kingstown, where she has filed a police report highlighting a very graphic graphic novel that North Kingstown High School provides to its students, most of them minors.  Following her reports can be challenging, if you have children…

A water drop and ripples

Add child abuse to the toll of lockdowns.

By Justin Katz | October 14, 2021 |

Reading these results from a Pennsylvania report, it would be fair to say that government overreach during COVID has been child abuse: A recently released annual child abuse report from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services showed that in 2020, the state registered a 43 percent increase in child abuse deaths compared to 2019. That…