
A water drop and ripples

Now they’ve invented “global stilling”!

By Justin Katz | October 14, 2021 |

That’s apparently the latest excuse for wind energy not living up to promises: Is there nothing that “climate change” doesn’t affect? Industry experts are warning that climate change may have caused wind speeds in Europe to plummet this year in news that threatens to drive energy prices even higher. Long labelled as a saviour of…

A water drop and ripples

When it comes to energy, public outcry is the only control.

By Justin Katz | October 8, 2021 |

Jon Caldara makes an excellent point about energy in Colorado that applies in Rhode Island, as well: … the Public Utilities Commission’s job was (key word there) to fight for the least cost energy while protecting our environment. That mission has been turned on its head. Least cost is the PUC’s very last priority. This…

A water drop and ripples

If kids really believe the climate alarmism garbage…

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2021 |

… why are they investing so much time and money in college?  Stephen Green says his conversations with kids doesn’t match the global survey claim that 56% of the young are “very worried or extremely worried” about the climate.  Some portion of them are probably just reacting to the tendency to answer a question in…

A water drop and ripples

Are childless climate alarmists an example of evolution in action?

By Justin Katz | September 21, 2021 |

From Peter Malbin on Newsmax: A study published in the British medical journal The Lancet found that 39% of young adults reported feeling uncertain about having children, given the state of the environment and the added carbon footprint brought by having children. The Lancet polled about 10,000 older teenagers and young adults to ascertain how climate…

Luca Signorelli, The Preaching of the Antichrist

A new-media climate change propaganda video shows the direction of vaccine mandates.

By Justin Katz | September 14, 2021 |

Writing for Accuracy in Media, I note how similarly NowThis (an online video news source with deep Democrat ties) frames its climate-change alarmism to Biden’s vaccine mandate language on the same day: What makes this different from the typical cynical exploitation of disaster by climate alarmists is that NowThis released its video on the very same day…

A solar farm in the forest.

It’s starting to seem like the solar industry is a gift to the Chinese coal industry… as well as slavers and dictators.

By Justin Katz | August 3, 2021 |

Rick Moran writes for PJ Media: Manufacturing solar panels is a dirty business. Starting with the raw mineral quartz, the refining process produces a highly toxic substance, silicon tetrachloride, that some manufacturers simply end up dumping. Huge amounts of power and heat must be used to manufacture the photovoltaic cells. Since most solar cells in the…

Solar farm in North Smithfield

One bill’s $55 million price tag is a small sample of the increased cost of mandated “renewables.”

By Justin Katz | July 19, 2021 |

Exactly this dynamic, which Alex Kuffner reports in the Providence Journal, apply (with exponents) to the entire push for “green energy” more broadly: How much money could Rhode Islanders have been on the hook for if Gov. Dan McKee had not vetoed a bill that shifted some of the costs of solar and wind projects from…

An electric car charging

An actual comparison of net CO2 emissions for electric cars may be beside the point.

By Justin Katz | June 26, 2021 |

According to an analysis by natural resource investors Goehring & Rozencwajg, electronic vehicles may not actually have a net benefit when it comes to carbon.  Note the bit I’ve emphasized, here: April 14th 2021, Jefferies published a research note entitled “Are EVs as ‘Green’ as They Appear?” in which they conclude an electric vehicle must…

A black bear

Speaking of the danger of doom and gloom and issue-based propaganda…

By Justin Katz | June 16, 2021 |

Assuming the Associated Press’s science writer, Seth Borenstein, is accurately conveying the methodology of a study proclaiming that 37% of “heat deaths” around the planet were “caused by higher temperatures from human-caused warming,” the project seems problematic on its face: Scientists used decades of mortality data in the 732 cities to plot curves detailing how…

Solar farm in North Smithfield

Something tells me public opinion on solar farms is going to involve a lot of “oops, we shouldn’t have done that.”

By Justin Katz | June 11, 2021 |

The people of West Greenwich are not happy that the giant solar farm in their town has not met the “you can only see it from an airplane” standard, according to Tolly Taylor, on WPRI: “Does it meet the standard of you can’t see it anywhere but an airplane?” [Town Administrator Kevin] Breene said. “No.…