National Politics

A water drop and ripples

Crazy federal spending is how the Left pays its activists.

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2021 |

Nancy Pelosi is swearing that the Democrats’ insanely expensive quasi-infrastructure infrastructure bill will pass this week.  Every time I see these numbers, I remember something I learned during the Obama presidency.  This is how the Left funds its movement — not only union workers but progressive non-profits and others, filtering down to the street level.…

A water drop and ripples

Reality’s scriptwriter has it out for the Democrats.

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2021 |

Just a few days ago, we were seeing headlines like, “Former USA National Team Gymnasts Testify Against the FBI Over Botched Larry Nassar Investigation.” Today the news is that “the FBI is investigating a group of male Afghan refugees after they assaulted a female U.S. soldier in New Mexico.” Notice how all the threads are…

A water drop and ripples

Today on Flip the Parties: Biden’s tax evasion

By Justin Katz | September 24, 2021 |

Calls of hypocrisy can go too far, but it’s simply too easy to imagine (meaning “to know”) how differently this sort of news would be handled if Biden were a Republican: [Rep. Jim] Banks, the Republican Study Committee chairman, was responding to the New York Post’s report on the findings of the nonpartisan CRS showing…

A water drop and ripples

This spirit is growing (we need some in Rhode Island).

By Justin Katz | September 22, 2021 |

Between vulgar anti-Biden chants at athletic events and these billboards in Pennsylvania, a movement seems to be building.

Drone strike aftermath

The botched drone attack was much worse than a standard collateral damage incident.

By Anchor Rising | September 18, 2021 |

The details of the U.S. drone strike on a humanitarian worker in Afghanistan are horrific: The U.S. acknowledged reports of civilian casualties and said they may have been caused by secondary explosions. The family said when the 37-year-old Zemerai, alone in his car, pulled up to the house, he honked his horn. His 11-year-old son…

A water drop and ripples

If necessary to see the tyranny, reverse the political parties.

By Anchor Rising | September 18, 2021 |

Let’s be blunt about it:  the January 6 protesters being treated so poorly are political prisoners.  In the United States.  Reverse the parties, and we’d be hearing nonstop mainstream media proclamations about how Biden is “literally Hitler.”  The government is actually arguing that stay-at-home-parents are more of a terrorist threat!

A water drop and ripples

Contrasting coverage when people lie to the FBI is instructive.

By Justin Katz | September 16, 2021 |

Remember the massive coverage and overheated rhetoric (continuing to this day) when the FBI tangled General Michael Flynn into a “false statement”?  Compare that memory with this just-the-facts coverage of a Democrat National Committee lawyer’s predicament in the New York Times.   The headline is in the passive voice: “Durham Is Said to Seek Indictment of Lawyer…

A water drop and ripples

Tucker puts the Milley scandal bluntly: treason.

By Justin Katz | September 15, 2021 |

This is surreal and shocking: Watch the latest video at Add it to the sense that public health experts, right down to people’s doctors (anecdotally) seem to be following political winds in their advice related to COVID-19, and it sure feels like our society is drifting in a stormy sea.  The people in roles…

Racist Democrat Party poster from the Civil War era

A prime example of controlling the present to control the past to control the future.

By Justin Katz | September 15, 2021 |

Owing to the fact that a local union official and I have the same name, I’ve been peripherally following a controversy in Boca Raton, Florida, involving an unnamed teacher who was suspended for showing his high school history class Civil War–era political imagery, including the one used as the featured image for this post.  These…

A water drop and ripples

Clueless Biden copies Trump’s first-responders photo-op and gets photo bombed.

By Justin Katz | September 12, 2021 |

Priceless.  And photos are from two angles, so it’s really unheard of Photoshopping if it’s fake. And the boy in the red shirt 🤣 — CLE mama 🇺🇸 (@cle_mama) September 12, 2021