On a Lighter Note…

A Welcome Idea

By Justin Katz | October 8, 2008 |

I can’t say I’ve got a problem with this: So you think junior is a little too lead-footed when he drives the family car? Starting next year, Ford Motor Co. will give you the power to do something about it. The company will roll out a new feature on many 2010 models that can limit…

Surprisingly Accurate SNL Skit about the Financial Mess

By Monique Chartier | October 5, 2008 |

H/T NewsBusters. Update: Click on this link to view.

(Pop) Psychology of a State

By Marc Comtois | September 24, 2008 |

FWIW, according the Wall Street Journal, new study has tried to identify regional personality traits. Probably more akin to pop psychology than science, but what the heck…consider this lunchtime reading. In the past decade, [cross-cultural psychology] has been reinvigorated by the development of a 44-question personality test that evaluates five traits: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism…

Milking It

By Marc Comtois | September 24, 2008 |

PETA’s latest crusade is aimed at those paragon’s of ultra-conservative, right-wing, free-market capitalists….Ben and Jerry. What did they do wrong? Well, milk does come from cows and, in the eyes of PETA, Ben and Jerry just aren’t towing the ideological line close enough, I suppose. But PETA has a solution! People for the Ethical Treatment…

Torn Between Conservatism and Fandom, 2008 Version

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 15, 2008 |

‘Tis time for my becoming-annual lament: The series between the Red Sox and Rays beginning tonight would be much more exciting in the old two-division system, where a playoff berth would really be on the line. As it is, this is almost like a pre-playoff exhibition tournament. As a Red Sox fan, of course, I’ll…

Time for Some Campaignin’

By Marc Comtois | September 1, 2008 |

In the spirit of bipartisanship, I offer this to everyone of any political persuasion for your viewing pleasure (click on the picture to view):

Please Do Your Bounding Part to Save the Planet

By Monique Chartier | August 9, 2008 |

Actually, global warming stopped ten years ago and the planet has entered a cooling trend. But isn’t it time we expanded our meat repertoire? [Courtesty BBC online news.] The methane gas produced by sheep and cows through belching and flatulence is more potent than carbon dioxide in the damage it can cause to the environment.…

Manny’s Gone

By Marc Comtois | August 4, 2008 |

Manny Ramirez was traded from the Red Sox to the Dodgers last week. Tim Abbott has some thoughts on how to tell the kids. Emily gave her heart unconditionally to Manny Ramirez. I haven’t yet had the heart to tell her he’s gone…. Emily fell for Manny at first sight. How could she not? He…

A Memory Revisited

By Justin Katz | August 3, 2008 |

Way back in the early ’80s, HBO used to show video shorts between movies, and one of them (which I only recall seeing once) really made an impression on me. So much so that I’ve found it coming to mind from time to time ever since. Well, wouldn’t you know, YouTube has “Arcade Attack” in…

Senator Whitehouse in Action on the Judiciary Committee: Tackling the Important Issues

By Monique Chartier | August 2, 2008 |

[Starts at minute 4:50]