
A water drop and ripples

The unstable double standard won’t hold.

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2021 |

After presenting an alternative reality in which pro-lifers spoke in the manner of climate-change alarmists, Grayson Quay writes: Our progressive elites have no qualms about advancing their agenda through extralegal means. For them, illegal immigration, anti-police rioting, and even light eco-terrorism are all examples of what John Lewis would call ‘good trouble.’ If legal maneuverings…

Firedancer in a ring of fire

Progressive infighting is interesting to watch, anyway.

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2021 |

There was Aaron Regunberg, up there at Harvard Law, thinking he’d take a step away from Rhode Island politics for a bit to further mine his white privilege for career gold when the political pieces started to move of their own volition.  As he writes in the Boston Globe: Many members of Rhode Island’s progressive movement…

A water drop and ripples

Rhetoric and reality have become two different things with Raimondo and the Biden administration.

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2021 |

In the Reuters article I mentioned the other day, U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo was so bold as to say this: “We are going to look to work with our allies to counteract China’s anticompetitive behavior,” Raimondo said. “That’s a big difference between the last administration’s approach and our administration’s approach.” She said tariffs on…

Cyborg transformation from Superman 3

We need to get our heads around the evolving tech-radical machine.

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2021 |

The profundity of the situation didn’t come home to me until I was nearly done researching and writing this article for Accuracy in Media.  I set out to shed some light on the partisan donations of NowThis News founder Kenneth Lerer (which the article does), but what I started to see in that light was this: While his…

A water drop and ripples

A protection against COVID so wild it just might work.

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2021 |

What sort of chemicals do they have in the water up in New Hampshire? In a recent opinion piece for the LaCross Tribune, Frank Edelblut, commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education, posed what some vaccine-focused health officials on the COVID-19 front lines might call a radical idea: Why not work on getting healthy…

Washington Crosses the Delaware, by Emanuel Leutze

The healthcare worker lawsuit is more significant than many people realize.

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2021 |

The U.S. District Court for our area has refused to stop the state from enforcing its vaccine mandate as the affected healthcare workers’ lawsuit proceeds.  In practical terms, this means that the burden of the disagreement will fall on those workers forced out of their jobs during that time, rather than on the government. A…

A water drop and ripples

Eugenics always lingers around the visible edges of the progressive ideology.

By Justin Katz | October 4, 2021 |

Christine Rousselle’s Catholic News Agency article about a push for assisted suicide in Massachusetts brings out an important element in the debate.  Support for the policy tends to come from the progressive-elite end of the spectrum, while disadvantaged and disabled groups tend to see it as a threat (rightly, I’d say). The implicit rationale is…

A water drop and ripples

Vaccination has become a marker of social class.

By Justin Katz | October 4, 2021 |

Michael Morse reframes some of the more-strident pro-vaccination rhetoric to illustrate how it appears to the other side: You cringe when you hear one of them speak out, you shut them down, ignore them, and secretly hope they get sick, and with any luck, die. It serves them right. Probably Trump supporters anyway, and we…

Roger Williams: Non-Woke Need Not Apply

Roger Williams University’s Woke-Allegiance Pledge for Employment

By Justin Katz | October 4, 2021 |

Interested in a job with Roger Williams University as a prep cook, payroll specialist, baker, shuttle driver, retailer, plumber, or even sometimes-nude model for art students?  You might want to find yourself a woke consultant, because applications for all of these positions must include a cover letter with “information about how you would be able…

Sledge hammer

McKee & Alexander-Scott: COVID Didn’t Crash RI’s Healthcare? Let us Take a Whack!

By Monique Chartier | October 3, 2021 |

Hospitals, healthcare facilities and nursing homes around Rhode Island have been dutifully firing their valued, ESSENTIAL employees to comply with Rhode Island’s rigid edict that all healthcare workers must receive the COVID-19 vaccine or lose their license. Over ninety health care facilities, including Rhode Island Hospital, Miriam Hospital and dozens of nursing homes, were not…