
A child hides behind a tree

No Specific Answers by R.I. Congressional Delegation on Afghanistan

By Monique Chartier | August 25, 2021 |

No member of Rhode Island’s congressional delegation responded to Anchor Rising’s questions or addressed the plight of potentially stranded Americans or Afghan allies.

A water drop and ripples

Why is the State Department turning away military interpreters from rescue?

By Justin Katz | August 25, 2021 |

With the caveate that chaos makes it hard to know what’s going on and easy to get a partial story, this seems like a travesty. The original story comes from the New York Times, but reading some of the implicitly pro-Biden replies to the linked tweet trying to cast doubt on it raises an important point: …

Same-sex married mummies

Only some facts matter when using kids’ TV to indoctrinate them.

By Justin Katz | August 25, 2021 |

Somehow my youngest child discovered the Netflix original cartoon series, Ridley Jones, and wanted to watch it.  Being very wary of any children’s television programs produced within the past two years, I did some research. The premise is that Ridley watches over a museum with her mother and grandmother, and at night the exhibits come to…

A water drop and ripples

Comedy Central’s version of Toby Flenderson Cancels ‘Diversity Day’ from its The Office re-runs

By Marc Comtois | August 25, 2021 |

According to Daily Wire (first discovered by Barstool), Comedy Central doesn’t find a particular episode of the sitcom The Office funny after all. The episode is famous for its politically incorrect storyline which features boss Michael Scott (Steve Carrell) forcing the paper company staff to participate in a racial diversity seminar where he speaks in…

A water drop and ripples

I’ve been listening to Billboard Top 100 playlists from the ’80s and ’90s.

By Justin Katz | August 25, 2021 |

Something really strange happened in 1990.  There are some stand-outs, but mostly, pop/rock music fell off a cliff for a year.

A water drop and ripples

The scandal is more Mayor Lightfoot’s than the priests.

By Justin Katz | August 25, 2021 |

She must have known a non-Catholic in a lesbian marriage shouldn’t take the Eucharist.  Incredibly disrespectful… and at a police officer’s funeral. (Autumn Jones reports for Catholic News Agency.)

A water drop and ripples

We’ve added a new feature to Anchor Rising: “Ripples.”

By Justin Katz | August 25, 2021 |

Here’s a problem I grapple with every day:  I hate providing content for social media companies.  They profit from it, draw attention away from other platforms, censor it, and use it to divide and conquer our civilization.  But… a lot of you are there.  Many people who don’t yet know they’re Anchor Rising readers are…

A water drop and ripples

“‘It would be better to die under the Taliban’s bullet’ than face the crowds again, a staff member was quoted as saying in the cable.”

By Justin Katz | August 25, 2021 |

Reports from local staff members at the U.S. embassy in Kabul as Abigail Williams and Yuliya Talmazan report for NBC News. (Via Instapundit.)

Edwin Lord Mills A Royal Procession

Will McKee’s new emergency declaration bring us back to non-transparency, as with Tiverton’s hidden millions?

By Justin Katz | August 24, 2021 |

Some municipalities were only just getting back to some semblance of the openness and transparency that citizens enjoyed prior to COVID.  For a year, give or take, municipal bodies seized dictatorial control of their meetings, stomping on the public’s right to see and to participate. In towns like Tiverton, where the council leadership has palpable…

IHME COVID death projections for RI

The COVID overreaction playbook puts the ripped-out death-models page back in.

By Justin Katz | August 24, 2021 |

Remember everybody’s fascination with the COVID-19 projections from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) when this whole thing started?  On April 8, 2020, I noted how the institute’s projections had a strange habit of not matching reality.  That day, the scary proclamation was that Rhode Island had 21 days to peak daily deaths,…