
A water drop and ripples

At what point of domination do headlines stop pretending women are just catching up?

By Justin Katz | November 23, 2021 |

So, ho hum, 32 American students were chosen to study at the University of Oxford via Rhodes Scholarships, and surprise, surprise, the AP report amplifies the progressive stories within the story.  But at what point do the headlines stop promoting the disproportionate distribution of prestigious awards to females? The class of U.S. Rhodes scholars for…

A boy receiving a vaccine

East Greenwich children get several bribes for vaccination.

By Justin Katz | November 23, 2021 |

A week ago, Anchor Rising reported on toys being given to children in school-based COVID vaccination clinics. A spokesperson for the state said that it was only one clinic, and it was done to distract children while getting the shot.  Elizabeth McNamara reports for East Greenwich News that children in that town are going home with even…

A water drop and ripples

Bezos’s $100 million to Obama is OK, but a local candidate’s reporting error is an offense?

By Justin Katz | November 22, 2021 |

That billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is giving Barack Obama $100 million for his foundation points to the reality that we really have to rethink our concept of money in politics: “I’m told the $100 million was midwifed by Jay Carney, Bezos’ political sherpa and the former Obama press secretary. Carney ran point for Bezos,…

A man fuels his car

RI dodged a notch of the progressive ratchet with the collapse of TCI.

By Justin Katz | November 22, 2021 |

I’ve been engaging in a back-and-forth discussion with a childhood acquaintance concerning the costs of public schools, trying to convey that the system is set up like a ratchet. When operating costs go up — for electricity, say — school districts insist that they cannot absorb the hit and pass it along to taxpayers.  It’s…

A water drop and ripples

Sometimes it’s unlucky to have been there to make a difference.

By Justin Katz | November 22, 2021 |

This morning, I wondered out  loud what the public narrative would have looked like had somebody taken action to stop the driver from plowing into a Christmas parade in Wisconsin yesterday. Writing about Kyle Rittenhouse, David Burkhead may provide a hint of the answer: “He shouldn’t have been there” is a stupid argument. As a…

A water drop and ripples

Bob Walsh’s view on $3,000 bonuses for government worker vaccination is a perfect example.

By Justin Katz | November 22, 2021 |

Bob Walsh, the head of the National Education Association of Rhode Island teachers union, perfectly illustrates the problem with so much insider thinking in the Ocean State with this comment: Perspective: If you supported the extra $600 per week that unemployed workers received during the pandemic but are critical of a $3000 stipend (less than…

A black man driving into a parade

One way or another, the Wisconsin Christmas parade massacre is indicative of our perilous position.

By Justin Katz | November 22, 2021 |

Unfortunately, it’s a familiar sequence. A video hits social media showing a few seconds of some shocking incident.  At first it is universally passed along with expressions of horror, but very quickly, browsing users can begin to see most posts groping for political relevance. Facts begin to emerge, and if they serve a progressive narrative…

Cash, cuffs, and the American flag

The COPS Hiring Program is yet another way government spends tax dollars to force the spending of more tax dollars.

By Justin Katz | November 20, 2021 |

It adds up, of course, but when government is trillions of dollars in debt, a hundred million here and there seems hardly to count.  That may be part of the reason that news of grants like the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program doesn’t typically question where the…

A water drop and ripples

Do they really care about “a single powerful entity” having control?

By Justin Katz | November 20, 2021 |

Something about the way Ted Nesi puts this question about possible hospital mergers in Rhode Island strikes me as odd: Will Rhode Island and its residents be better off with roughly 80% of hospital services controlled by a single powerful entity? One wonders how many of the people who fear that “an institution so large…

RI Kids Count racist tweet

RI Officials and RI Kids Count Stoke Racial Animosity and Violence

By Justin Katz | November 20, 2021 |

The Rittenhouse verdict has brought out the demagogues and revealed how deeply progressives’ radical racist ideology has permeated institutional America.