Planned Parenthood is the poster child for radical child abuse.
Providence middle school teacher Ramona Bessinger shared on her Facebook page a Planned Parenthood poster that she was “encouraged to post” in her classroom last school year. Here’s the main body of the text:
Beyond the Birds and the Bees is a sexuality education program for high schoolers that is science-based, sex-positive, and affirming to all. Topics include gender & identity, birth control, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), healthy relationships, consent, and pleasure.
By way of translation, “sex-positive” means encouraging kids to have and experiment with sex, which makes sense, because teens who aren’t having casual sex don’t need Planned Parenthood. The more sexual activity the organization can encourage children to have, the more they’ll come around for medical visits, especially Planned Parenthood’s major revenue source: abortions.
But as the poster’s headline suggests, let’s move “beyond the birds and bees.” The URL promoted on the poster directs readers to a page that describes the organization’s “teen nights”:
Join us each month for a fun, interactive, sexuality education workshop created and led by our STARS peer educators. Past topics have covered:
- Reproductive freedom and advocacy
- Gender and identity
- Anatomy and reproduction
- Pregnancy and STD/STI prevention
- Healthy relationships
- Pleasure and healthy communication
Planned Parenthood frontloads three themes that apply to other left-wing advocacy groups. Indeed, one might describe them as definitional of the progressive strategy:
- Encourage children toward unhealthy behavior that undermines traditional values.
- Deprive them of stabilizing strategies such as logic and a belief in objective reality.
- Pressure them to become left-wing activists.
If they disconnect Americans from those practices and values that induce health, then we’re available to be recruited to press for a revolution that directly profits the radicals. The more suffering their policies create, the stronger their emotional play will be.