Quick Read

More than half of Rhode Island’s roads are unacceptable.

By Justin Katz | December 1, 2021 |

Writing for Uplift Legal Funding, Leesa Davis took data produced by the Biden administration as part of its infrastructure presentation and compared it with total miles of roadway in each state, creating a rank by the percentage of roads in “acceptable condition.  Take a bow, government of Rhode Island:  once again, you’re number 1 for…

A man with a bullet mask

Some keywords are strangely missing from news about increased shootings in Providence.

By Justin Katz | November 30, 2021 |

According to a chart published as part of WPRI’s report on the increase in victims of shootings in Providence, the city has regressed nearly to its 2015 level after steadily falling until 2020.  The number hit a low of 35 in 2019 and then more than doubled in 2020 and has increased from that point…

Great Depression bread line

Magaziner’s propensity to pander is too dangerous for him ever to be trusted to be governor.

By Justin Katz | November 30, 2021 |

Difficult as it may be to believe, the general treasurer of Rhode Island, Democrat Seth Magaziner, proposes to address the inflation wrought by the policies of Democrat White House occupant, Joe Biden, by — get this — flooding the market with easy cash and imposing price controls. Each of Magaziner’s suggestions can be debated on…

Let’s Hear ALL Information about Omicron, Even the Positive

By Monique Chartier | November 29, 2021 |

A new variant of COVID-19, Omicron, (don’t ask what happened to Xi!) has been identified in South Africa. It took only a ten second search to find this important and comparatively positive information about Omicron. Omicron is reported to be seven times more contagious than the Delta variant and yet in the last two months,…

A man picks a path in the woods

The New York Times question goes shallow on why Democrats don’t actually implement progressive policies.

By Justin Katz | November 29, 2021 |

Don’t get me wrong.  It’s wonderful that the New York Times is raising any questions at all about why Democrat strongholds aren’t the utopias that voters were promised and to challenge the obviously facile talking point that evil Republicans are to blame, even where the GOP has almost no power. That said, Johnny Harris and Binyamin…

A toy school bus

Bell chimes in on education to distract from plain reality.

By Justin Katz | November 27, 2021 |

Progressive Democrat state senator Sam Bell is fascinating to watch. Some years ago, he was a participant in a debate I helped organize, and he made a perplexing statement about the number of tax cuts Rhode Island government had enacted.  Even watching such things closely, I had to go home and research what he might…

A pencil with eraser

School administrators and teachers should be aware that society is self-healing.

By Justin Katz | November 27, 2021 |

Of course, anybody who has known someone who refused to see a doctor about a broken bone knows that self-healing doesn’t always mean a desirable condition.  Sometimes bodily and social healing mechanisms render appendages less useful, or even liabilities. Anyway, the lesson comes to mind after reading Erika Sanzi’s concerns that school administrators and teachers…

Abuse during the Chinese Cultural Revolution

Yes, “equity audits” and “anti-racism” are critical race theory (CRT) in action.

By Justin Katz | November 26, 2021 |

Perhaps it feels redundant or like beating a dead horse for me to direct readers to Mike Gonzalez’s list of “The Five Lies of CRT,” but I have a feeling it’s a topic to which we have to return with reinforcements constantly.  The attempted gaslighting from radicals is simply too dogged.  Complacency is an enemy.…

Chart of Biden approval among young, non-college Rhode Islanders

Biden’s unpopularity can be a guide in Rhode Island.

By Justin Katz | November 26, 2021 |

Via Stacey Lennox, who looks at Biden’s approval/disapproval ratings across all states for PJ Media, comes a fascinating tool that may prove useful in the toolboxes of anybody who writes about or engages in politics. It’s an interactive poll tool from Civiqs that allows the user to cut up the data by various demographics in one…

Bob Walsh talks on A Lively Experiment 11/12/21

Walsh gives away the game for the local media and his union.

By Justin Katz | November 26, 2021 |

Referring to an appearance by National Education Association of Rhode Island director Bob Walsh on A Lively Experiment, Erika Sanzi plainly describes a reality of local media. Walsh’s offending claim was that Nicole Solas shouldn’t call herself a “stay-at-home mom” when she’s “in a different community at a different school committee meeting screaming at the top…