Quick Read

Ideology and mental health chart

It’s important to acknowledge the correlation between “liberalism” (meaning “progressivism”) and mental illness.

By Justin Katz | May 29, 2021 |

Writing in Evie magazine, Elizabeth Condra highlights a finding using Pew Research data: The study, which examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even “very liberal.” What’s more, white women…

WalletHub map of best states for doctors

Another WalletHub list puts Rhode Island dead last: Best States to Practice Medicine

By Justin Katz | May 29, 2021 |

Christian Winthrop spotted the ranking recently for Newport Buzz: In order to help doctors decide where to practice, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 19 key metrics. Their data set ranges from the average annual wage of physicians to hospitals per capita to the quality of the public hospital system.…

ABC6 footage of Cranston home raid

Why wouldn’t the reports tell us whom the target of this political phishing scheme was?

By Justin Katz | May 28, 2021 |

The U.S. Attorney’s Office of the District of Massachusetts put out a curious press release, yesterday, reporting the arrest of a 21-year-old woman from Cranston: Diana Lebeau, 21, of Cranston, R.I., was charged in an Information with attempted unauthorized access to a protected computer. Lebeau will make an initial appearance in federal court in Boston…

Two seniors on a bench with a view

If you’re getting on in years, be worried that RI’s “Nursing Home Staffing and Quality Care Act” heralds socialist nursing homes.

By Justin Katz | May 28, 2021 |

Rhode Island’s politicians are happily proclaiming an ostensible gift that they are giving to Ocean State seniors with a law creating minimum staffing requirements for nursing homes.  Those who currently or may soon utilize such services have enough life experience to think more deeply about how the politicians are changing the terms of our representative…

A man holding an incandescent bulb

Imagine having a political opposition with enough strength to push back on RGGI.

By Justin Katz | May 28, 2021 |

One of the many programs, regulations, and schemes that quietly weigh down Rhode Island’s economy with a seemingly mysterious drag is the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), which is essentially the predecessor imposition that Gina Raimondo presumed to expand as the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI). Li Le reminds us in the Epoch Times that…

A deer tick on a leaf

Another vaccine that could expand our freedom is for Lyme disease.

By Justin Katz | May 28, 2021 |

Growing up in suburban New Jersey, we didn’t have a whole lot of forest in our town.  There was a strip of somewhat forested land along the Hackensack River and another cluster between the houses and the stores along Route 4.  Even so, my friends and I spent hours and hours adventuring in those limited…

Michelle Cretella and Alan Branch

Those of us outside the progressive mainstream have to get back to in-person fellowship.

By Justin Katz | May 27, 2021 |

David Aucoin, of the Family Policy Alliance of Rhode Island sends along information about an event in October (PDF flier).  It was originally scheduled prior to the pandemic and had to be postponed, illustrating how much of a hindrance the lockdown has been to those who play the opposition role in Rhode Island. The event,…

A fuel truck.

Deregulation during emergencies proves we just get used to the pain.

By Justin Katz | May 27, 2021 |

That quick lesson is why I’ve been meaning to mention this article from Newsmax: U.S. environmental regulators issued emergency fuel waivers on Tuesday to help alleviate shortages in reformulated gasoline in 12 states and the District of Columbia as supplies tighten five days after a cyberattack shuttered the nation’s biggest pipeline. … On Sunday, the U.S.…

CBO chart on income and taxes

Sheldon Whitehouse’s Twitter posturing on taxes and income is doubly annoying.

By Justin Katz | May 27, 2021 |

Toes tin-ear Sheldon err in not seeing how it appears when somebody of his wealth and tincture talks like this, or does he correctly assess that his base just wants to hear the sweet, sweet sound of agreement? Rising inequality is a threat to the American way of life. We shouldn’t have a structure that…

X-Ray of an OK sign

What’s surprising is that more people don’t feel trapped in work for healthcare.

By Justin Katz | May 27, 2021 |

A recent survey of Americans, as reported on Newsmax, finds that one in six “U.S. adult workers have stayed at their jobs because they don’t want to lose employer-sponsored health insurance.”  That’s especially true for lower-income workers and minorities. Tying healthcare with employment is one of the more wrong-headed policy decisions our country has made in…