
A water drop and ripples

Sometimes the special interests are on the insightful side.

By Justin Katz | December 23, 2022 |

Yes, Marcellus Drilling News appears to be more on the advocacy side of things, but its mockery of Rhode Island is worth keeping in mind as a brutal cold front lashes its way across the United States: Last year the State of Rhode Island, a small Communist stronghold in the United States, voted to phase out…

American flag in a field at sunset

Sunlight for Energy, Cancer, and Mail Ballots

By John Loughlin | November 19, 2022 |

John Loughlin talks with Michael Chaves of Love Solar, Dr. Shafman on pancreatic cancer, and Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation on mail ballots.

A pipe winds along a landcape

Natural gas price increases show what happens when we’re prevented from coordinating.

By Justin Katz | October 28, 2022 |

A recently released book by Gale Pooley and Marian Tupy, Superabundance, explores the amazing fact that the prosperity and the availability of scarce resources is proving only to increase as the population grows.  Their most fundamental argument is that people have value.  Every child added to the world increases the wealth of all of us. The authors…

Cooling towers at Brayton Point

Parents in School and the Nuclear Option

By John Loughlin | October 22, 2022 |

Heritage Action Director of Communications Noah Weinrich on parents’ role in schools, and Flibe Energy’s Kirk Sorensen on the possible role for nuclear in power supply.

Cooling towers at Brayton Point

A passing thought on the outrage about the PUC’s energy-price increase.

By Justin Katz | September 28, 2022 |

I saw in the Boston Globe, today, some spin blaming Donald Trump for New England’s worsening energy woes.  The phrases are almost like a trick image that looks different when you cross your eyes or look at it directly. The reporter’s eyes appear to be crossed, and those of the progressives citing the text on social…

By Standard of AGW Scientists, Futile for the United States to Abate Its Modest Greenhouse Gases

By Monique Chartier | August 29, 2022 |

Did you know that the United States generates only 12.67% of human-made greenhouse gases (GHG), with the balance generated by all other countries? I sure didn’t, until I went looking for the figure. That’s not much talked about in the media, nor is the fact that at 94%, naturally generated greenhouse gases dwarf human’s contribution…

Cooling towers at Brayton Point

Energy and the environment are not separate stories.

By Justin Katz | August 3, 2022 |

When discussing public policy, responsible politicians, journalists, and members of the public should never separate the issues of energy and the environment.  They are a single, nuanced, and extremely complicated issue.  Absent this imperative, Democrat Governor Dan McKee feels free to brag about his environmental policy thus … “Over last 16 months my administration has…

Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Whitehouse wants a dictator in the White House.

By Justin Katz | July 22, 2022 |

Actually, it’s worse than that.  Rhode Island Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse wants an American dictator who actively harms our country for the benefit of foreign countries that are mostly hostile to us.  Objectively, the malice or mania necessary for a privileged American to make such declarations as the Wall Street Journal describes is something of…

Seniors and Heritage

By John Loughlin | July 2, 2022 |

John Loughlin talks with Tony Lemonde of Senior’s Choice RI and Derrick Morgan of the Heritage Foundation.

A wind farm at sea

Folks, “100% renewable” targets are a scam.

By Justin Katz | June 30, 2022 |

The politicians and activists proclaim their value and the news media echoes those claims, but that doesn’t mean legal mandates for “renewable energy” are anything other than a scam to take money from Rhode Islanders and give it to special interests.  (Same old same old in Rhode Island, I know.).  And so, we get headlines…