General Assembly

Monkey statues in see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil poses

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Tricky Positions for Top Pols

By Justin Katz | December 19, 2022 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the contribution of politicians and the media to the most pressing issues of the day.

A house made of money

Ninety Million “Super” Contradictions to RI Officials’ Statements about Homelessness

By Monique Chartier | December 18, 2022 |

Addressing homelessness requires tracing the economic causes to their roots, including (for example) money provided to politically connected projects like the Superman Building rehab.

An elephant leans beside a ditch

Republicans and Other Independent Candidates and Health Professionals

By John Loughlin | October 15, 2022 |

John Loughlin interviews Republican and Independent candidates and professionals in the healthcare industry.

A crumbling sandcastle

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Shifting Sands Under RI Elections

By Justin Katz | July 18, 2022 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz marvel at the dangers and shortsightedness in the runup to RI’s 2022 elections.

Rattlesnake warning sign

Senator Tiara Mack’s destructive immaturity ignores our cultural warning signs.

By Justin Katz | July 12, 2022 |

After a week of national coverage, with Tucker Carlson jokingly lauding her honesty and encouraging the Democrat Party to embrace her more fully, most Rhode Islanders who pay any attention to the news have probably heard about Tiara Mack’s twerking performance.  Even the local media had to take some notice, at least to the extent…

Sign reading Privilege Is Invisible to Those Who Have It

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Democrat Privilege in RI

By Justin Katz | July 11, 2022 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the many ways Rhode Island Democrats are flaunting their privilege.

A wind farm at sea

Folks, “100% renewable” targets are a scam.

By Justin Katz | June 30, 2022 |

The politicians and activists proclaim their value and the news media echoes those claims, but that doesn’t mean legal mandates for “renewable energy” are anything other than a scam to take money from Rhode Islanders and give it to special interests.  (Same old same old in Rhode Island, I know.).  And so, we get headlines…

Blake Filippi

Blake Filippi is exiting the House, and Rhode Island will come to regret it.

By Justin Katz | June 24, 2022 |

Voters (and other citizens) very often make claims about what attributes they want in elected officials that they do not substantiate with their support.  They say they’d prefer public servants who are not career politicians and who are in it for “the right reasons,” by which they generally mean they are not merely seeking power…

A water drop and ripples

What’s the supporter overlap between suicide-barriers and physician-assisted suicide?

By Justin Katz | June 16, 2022 |

This is probably a strange question to pose, but nonetheless, one wonders.  As the state government moves toward spending big money on suicide barriers that will inevitably change the aesthetic character of the bridges on which they’re installed, what is the belief system underlying our local culture?  Where do supporters for such things stand on,…

Jose Clemente Orozco, The Clowns of War Arguing in Hell

There is no reasoning with those who will to confiscate law-abiding citizens’ guns.

By Justin Katz | June 16, 2022 |

The idea of “reasonable” and “common sense” gun control laws is becoming an obvious sham.  Reasonable people acting according to common sense differentiate between policies in different states and balance facts such as how frequently a particular type of weapon has been used in crimes in the state where gun-control legislation is proposed and what…