
A water drop and ripples

If it’s not open and honest, it’s not science.

By Justin Katz | February 16, 2022 |

It’s bad enough when public health authorities encourage doctors and scientists to shape their messages to manipulate the public, but it’s somehow worse when they’re suppressing good news.  That’s what South African Doctor Angelique Coetzee reports having experienced as part of the team that identified Omicron: Speaking to Germany’s Welt newspaper, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who is…

Burning $100 bills

Easy Money and Hard Decisions

By John Loughlin | February 12, 2022 |

John Loughlin speaks with guests about monetary policy, military affairs in RI, and Medicare.

A man in a plague mask on a swing

Don’t let COVID-lockdown propaganda hide behind death numbers.

By Justin Katz | February 11, 2022 |

COVID-19 can be a nasty disease, even when it’s not a killer, which it most definitely can be.  The coronavirus is not, however, the only killer, and disease is not the only nasty thing that can happen to your life. As we look out across the landscape of continuing fear, ramped up to an irrational…

A water drop and ripples

That CDC masking poster is mostly propaganda.

By Justin Katz | February 10, 2022 |

Recently, Rhode Island Twitter has become a display of people who seem deranged with fear about the end of mask mandates.  It’s a curious puzzle. Some of the known progressives are probably responding to the movement’s understanding that keeping people depressed and isolated is in their ideological and political interests, and that surely filters out…

The moon over a weathervane

Dr. Skoly coverage may be another indication that the narrative is changing.

By Justin Katz | February 8, 2022 |

Among the encouraging signs that are beginning to peak out of the COVID chill like early buds in spring is that coverage of Dr. Stephen Skoly’s lawsuit hasn’t been limited to the website of the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity, of which he’s chairman, and national conservative sites like The Daily Signal.  The Providence Journal…

A dark net

Social media and COVID are in symbiosis.

By Justin Katz | February 7, 2022 |

Something clicked as I listened to the podcast version of the Megyn Kelly episode embedded from YouTube below. Her primary guest was Tristan Harris, a Silicon Valley player who’s been warning about the manipulative dangers of social media.  He’s taken the Stanford classes on “persuasive technology” along with the tech entrepreneurs and knows how it…

Doctors, Police, and a Trump Impersonator

By John Loughlin | February 6, 2022 |

John Loughlin and his guests discuss cancer, policing, suing the state over vaccine mandates, and what President Trump would think about Rhode Island news and media.

A water drop and ripples

Was COVID or the response to COVID more catastrophic for cancer patients?

By Justin Katz | February 4, 2022 |

That’s the question I have reading this: “The impact of COVID-19 indeed goes far beyond the disease itself. Cancer touches all our lives, either directly or through its effect on family and loved ones. 1 in 4 people in Europe and Central Asia will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. It is one of…

Child on computer in parents' bed

Be careful about assuming causation.

By Justin Katz | February 3, 2022 |

That advice has been coming to mind a lot recently. For instance, defending his support for the child-grooming bill, Democrat Representative Brandon Potter (Cranston), asserts that about one-quarter of youth suicides are sexual minorities.  He doesn’t provide a source for his claim, but let’s stipulate that the statistic might be true.  It still doesn’t tell…

Painting of a forest monster.

Beware the embodiment of the Science “Egregore.”

By Justin Katz | February 1, 2022 |

Anchor Rising doesn’t often dabble in occult topics, but Max Borders brought the concept of Egregores to my attention, and it’s one of those ideas that is practical whether taken as a merely mythic representation or a factual supernatural force. Let’s note, first, that Borders’s essay is timely and worth reading for a variety of…