Rhode Island Politics

Firedancer in a ring of fire

Progressive infighting is interesting to watch, anyway.

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2021 |

There was Aaron Regunberg, up there at Harvard Law, thinking he’d take a step away from Rhode Island politics for a bit to further mine his white privilege for career gold when the political pieces started to move of their own volition.  As he writes in the Boston Globe: Many members of Rhode Island’s progressive movement…

Washington Crosses the Delaware, by Emanuel Leutze

The healthcare worker lawsuit is more significant than many people realize.

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2021 |

The U.S. District Court for our area has refused to stop the state from enforcing its vaccine mandate as the affected healthcare workers’ lawsuit proceeds.  In practical terms, this means that the burden of the disagreement will fall on those workers forced out of their jobs during that time, rather than on the government. A…

Piero Della Francesca, Battle Between Heraclius and Chosroes

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Battles Brewing in RI

By Justin Katz | October 4, 2021 |

John and Justin discuss brewing turmoil among and between factions in the Ocean State.

Mike Stenhouse and Richard August on State of the State 9/27/21

State of the State: Management of COVID-19 Money

By Richard August | September 29, 2021 |

Mike Stenhouse and Richard August discuss the turf battles surrounding money the federal government gave to Rhode Island for recovery from the pandemic.

A man picks a path in the woods

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Progressives Press the Dems’ Decision

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2021 |

John and Justin pick out some of the lessons of Rhode Island’s political turmoil.

Matt Brown swears in kick-off video

Who wants Matt Brown to be governor? Out-of-state progressive experimenters.

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2021 |

One topic conspicuously not addressed in Matt Brown’s slick new video announcing his candidacy for Rhode Island governor is what qualifies him specifically to run an organization as large and complex as the state government.  Surely a willingness to drop the F-bomb isn’t sufficient in itself.  That omission raises the question asked in the subject of this…

A water drop and ripples

The progressive co-op move by progressives will be interesting to watch.

By Justin Katz | September 23, 2021 |

Matt Brown and his progressive friends are trying something new and bold with their 50-person slate, who pay money into the co-op to be a part of it.  Ryan Grim of The Intercept seems to think they “look to take over Rhode Island,” but we’ll see.  Something like this comes with a lot of conflict.  Patrick…

A baby elephant

Thought for the RIGOP: When the foundation is crumbling, that’s your priority.

By Justin Katz | September 21, 2021 |

During our weekly political segment, yesterday, John DePetro raised questions about the fact that the Rhode Island Republican Party does not yet have a candidate to announce for the upcoming gubernatorial race.  Chairwoman Sue Cienki has said an announcement is expected soon, but John raises a good point.  There are no obvious candidates, which means…

A water drop and ripples

The bright Amazon cloud in Johnston does have a dark shadow.

By Justin Katz | September 20, 2021 |

It would be difficult to argue against welcoming an Amazon distribution center in Johnston.  That’s a lot of money that will flow into Rhode Island and one of its municipalities. There’s even an important and encouraging observation to be made about the fact that it will be in Johnston, with its conservative-Democrat mayor, Joe Polisena. …

A stack of boxes outside a door

Politics This Week with John DePetro: In and Out of Power and Everything In Between

By Justin Katz | September 20, 2021 |

John and Justin talk about people and groups that are in and out of political races and trends.