
A water drop and ripples

Here’s some good news about lasting effects of COVID on the young.

By Justin Katz | September 28, 2021 |

Lung-function appears to be fully recovered in minors: In one [study], Swedish researchers found that even asthma patients had no significant impairment in lung function. In the other, German researchers found unimpaired lung function after kids and teens had a COVID-19 infection — unless their infection was severe. “The COVID-19 pandemic has raised questions about…

Esther accuses Haman

North Smithfield teachers model tyranny when demanding action against the political speech of parents.

By Justin Katz | September 28, 2021 |

Something doesn’t sit quite right in this story out of North Smithfield, as reported by Lauren Clem in the Valley Breeze.   Danielle Ferguson, a parent of a high school student there, spoke at a school committee meeting in opposition to mask mandates.  She suggested that the government “wants everyone to be fearful so that they can…

A water drop and ripples

The heckling of the elite seems to be picking up.

By Justin Katz | September 28, 2021 |

It seems we’re seeing increasing numbers of videos of the progressive elite being heckled by bystanders, such as this one of a pompously garbed Hillary Clinton being called a “war criminal” in Northern Ireland as a retro-garbed child carries the trail of her gown (or cape, or whatever). Two thoughts.  First: but for social media,…

A water drop and ripples

So now we’ve got military incursions on our southern border?

By Justin Katz | September 28, 2021 |

It’s hard not to see something more behind this incident: 14 soldiers with the Mexican military were apprehended by U.S. federal law enforcement officials during the early morning hours on Saturday after they crossed over onto U.S. soil, according to a report. … “CBP said the soldiers, their weapons and equipment ‘were secured for safety…

Tax man spraypaint

We need to keep an eye on the bank-spying ball amidst the dense-pack scandals.

By Justin Katz | September 28, 2021 |

One has to wonder… during the Cold War, national security types talked about the “dense-pack strategy.”  If you’ve got an important asset for war, like missile siloes, it may seem obvious that you want to spread them out so they can’t all be taken out at once, but you have to consider the nature of…

Coventry High School

Coventry High School goes back to remote and early release. Are they nuts?

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2021 |

Alexa Gagosz is reporting in the Boston Globe that an increase in “positive cases” is sending Coventry High School into remote classes through Tuesday, followed by a schedule that closes the building at 12:30 starting Thursday until further notice.  (They already had Wednesday off.)  Here’s the letter from the district. Come on, folks.  It’s time for…

A water drop and ripples

The snobbery and conformity of our educated class

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2021 |

Via Instapundit, when did Matthew Yglesias become a voice of sanity? He writes: … if all the people with degrees are on the same side of certain big moral and political questions, it’s going to be very hard for them to draw the line between actual expert knowledge and beliefs they happen to hold. Perhaps the…

A water drop and ripples

If kids really believe the climate alarmism garbage…

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2021 |

… why are they investing so much time and money in college?  Stephen Green says his conversations with kids doesn’t match the global survey claim that 56% of the young are “very worried or extremely worried” about the climate.  Some portion of them are probably just reacting to the tendency to answer a question in…

A water drop and ripples

Crazy federal spending is how the Left pays its activists.

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2021 |

Nancy Pelosi is swearing that the Democrats’ insanely expensive quasi-infrastructure infrastructure bill will pass this week.  Every time I see these numbers, I remember something I learned during the Obama presidency.  This is how the Left funds its movement — not only union workers but progressive non-profits and others, filtering down to the street level.…

Matt Brown swears in kick-off video

Who wants Matt Brown to be governor? Out-of-state progressive experimenters.

By Justin Katz | September 27, 2021 |

One topic conspicuously not addressed in Matt Brown’s slick new video announcing his candidacy for Rhode Island governor is what qualifies him specifically to run an organization as large and complex as the state government.  Surely a willingness to drop the F-bomb isn’t sufficient in itself.  That omission raises the question asked in the subject of this…