
Protesters holding up Q cutouts

One has to ask: whom does promotion of QAnon benefit (besides Cicilline)?

By Justin Katz | July 29, 2021 |

My latest article for Accuracy in Media is on the curious hop-skip-jump from the Biden administration to progressive activists to youth publications to Democrat fundraising around the supposed threat of QAnon: Media Matters’ dubious methodology hasn’t stopped Democrats and their supporters in the mainstream media from taking political advantage. Just before the election, national and state-level…

Dan McKee gets vaccinated

How Science Should Inform Masking and Distancing Decisions

By Justin Katz | July 28, 2021 |

McKee has announced a “recommendation” to mask children in school, but he should remember that science is only a process for limiting (but not eliminating) human error in observations and analysis.

Goya Attended by Doctor

Are colleges beginning to train a generation of anti-science doctors?

By Justin Katz | July 28, 2021 |

Local news media has taken an obvious turn in the past few years, and at least part of the explanation appears to be a new generation of journalists who simply don’t believe in objective reporting — or at least they do believe that some social “truths” around identity are just so clear that it isn’t…

Federal Reserve balance sheet chart

An institution like the Fed has to have internal disagreement.

By Justin Katz | July 27, 2021 |

A recent staff article on the website of the American Institute for Economic Research captures a very dangerous marker of the society the United States elite have come to inhabit: Economist Judy Shelton has a crackerjack column in tomorrow’s Wall Street Journal on the lack of intellectual and policy diversity at the Federal Reserve. She…

DARE logo

We have to be aware of the narrative involved in the Providence car chase controversy.

By Justin Katz | July 27, 2021 |

John DePetro has some details about the Providence police’s car chase of a BMW with three teens shooting BB guns out the windows: Following this incident, the Providence Police began reviewing the circumstances of the arrest of one of the vehicle’s occupants, including any injuries sustained and the use of force involved. Late last week,…


Elorza and Paré don’t seem to see the cliff they’re walking along.

By Justin Katz | July 26, 2021 |

Having not seen video of the incident, nobody should be assuming that Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza and his public safety commissioner, Steven Paré, are exaggerating when they say, as Steph Machado reports for WPRI, that these officers used excessive force: The arrests of the two 15-year-olds and one 16-year-old took place in the early hours…

An explosion of light

Change the fate of our state with Anchor Rising support!

By Justin Katz | July 23, 2021 |

News across Rhode Island — related to state and local government, the news media, social developments, and more — has a consistent underlying theme:  Our state has taken a bad turn, and those striving to correct it are struggling to gain a foothold. We can save the Ocean State!  People still have their consciences and…

Hasbro building on a red sky

At this point, just assume that every company and organization is out to indoctrinate your children.

By Justin Katz | July 23, 2021 |

In recent years, one worrisome question as political stories have unfolded has been:  Where are the whistleblowers? James O’Keefe has found another one for Project Veritas.  David Johnson is a packaging contractor with Rhode Island–based toy company Hasbro, who is also a Black man, and couldn’t watch the company go down the path of using packaging…

GoFundMe Campaign Not Found

GoFundMe’s bigotry has become so predictable.

By Justin Katz | July 23, 2021 |

Speaking with John DePetro this week, I suggested that competing GoFundMe campaigns around the controversy on Sayles Street in Providence showed a healthy social response to cancel culture and institutional biases.  I did predict, however, by way of noting it as something to keep an eye out for, that GoFundMe would cancel one campaign and…

"Injustice Won't Be Postponed" sign

Turning students into trend-following activists is not evidence of civics “proficiency.”

By Justin Katz | July 23, 2021 |

The headline over Alexa Gagosz’s Boston Globe article is misleading: “Civics proficiency now a requirement for all Rhode Island public school graduates.” Just look: … this new law does not necessarily require that students take a separate civics course or civics exam. Instead, individual school districts will determine how their students can “demonstrate proficiency” because according…