Quick Read
For the growing “our elites are insane” file, WPRI gives this propagandistic headline to an AP article: “Early transgender identity tends to endure, study suggests.” See, the editor is implying, it’s not just a faddish thing that fades quickly. But think objectively about what precisely the study found: The research involved 317 youngsters who were 3…
With a bit of spectacularly bad timing for Rhode Island insiders (who may very well win anyway), an employee of the state Department of Labor and Training has been charged with stealing funds from exactly an area that labor unions are trying to make more flush: An employee of the Rhode Island Department of Labor…
This, from Mark Tapscott in The Epoch Times seems like exactly the sort of thing we’d be hearing a lot about if those tasked with promulgating and debating information were truly committed to the American project of freedom and experimentation: There were 78.3 million employed individuals in the [right-to-work (RTW)] states in February 2020, when the…
As Anchor Rising readers know, last week a Providence Journal headline proclaimed, “RI’s record-shattering baby shortage could spell trouble for state’s economy.” This week, Lieutenant Governor Sabina Matos proclaimed her aspiration for the Ocean State to kill more: I’m confident RI can become a national leader for reproductive rights at a time when these rights are coming…
Culture and history are funny things. Over the centuries, our civilization learns things about human life and codes them in cultural norms that everybody can know without having to be able to explain. They’re just how we do things — lessons learned over centuries, sometimes through painful experience. No doubt, our ancestors coded the wrong…
As a conservative writer in Rhode Island, I find it difficult to know where to begin a reaction to the apparent, likely, or maybe only as-yet possible decision of the United States Supreme Court to reverse Roe v. Wade this session. The place to start, I suppose, is with the biggest and most-obvious point. Unless our…
It is remarkable that Paul Edward Parker’s Providence Journal article about the “record-shattering baby shortage” in the Ocean State goes on as long as it does without making the key, irreducible point. … The number being born in the Ocean State has ebbed to its lowest point in more than a century. The phenomenon has been so…
Without insinuating an answer, I find myself wondering how it was that progressive Democrat state senator Dawn Euer, apparently alone among all people who track and inform the public about such things was the one who knew of three voter fraud arrests. Think of that. If she hadn’t mentioned the situation to score political points,…
There isn’t anything redeeming about Democrat Representative from Cranston and Warwick Joe McNamara’s highly inappropriate abuse of his position as Chairman of the House Education Committee to posture politically over legislation from Republican Representative Patricia Morgan (West Warwick, Coventry, Warwick), captured in this video clip: On first pass, the unprecedented attempt to give Morgan “the…
Socialist Rhode Island state senator Sam Bell (Democrat, Providence) has gotten a good deal of richly deserved negative pushback over truly terrible legislation he submitted in the state General Assembly (which is not to say that some of the correspondence he’s received hasn’t gone too far). As the cosigners on Bell’s legislation back away from…