Quick Read

An empty restaurant

You can’t think too hard with the progressive sales pitch.

By Justin Katz | October 20, 2021 |

It’s hard to know how much to debate an essay like Greg Brailsford’s on his site Uprise RI. The entire thing is stale propaganda.  It’s a sales pitch.  He’s selling you something.  You can see it in every sentence.  It jumps out even in a side note about how he caught COVID despite being fully vaccinated,…

Raimondo with Jack Reed and Jim Langevin

The news media continues to embarrass itself and sell us out for Raimondo.

By Justin Katz | October 19, 2021 |

What an embarrassing puff piece from the Associated Press and run by WPRI.  You know that old line about discomfiting the comfortable?  How about skepticism about the powerful?  Yeah, not so much.  Instead, one can only wonder whether Raimondo’s people slipped the writer, Josh Boak, cash or promises or he’s just a cheap date who…

The Carmagnole (Dance Around the Guillotine) by Kathe Kollwitz

URI is helping a powerful celebrity destroy the life of one of its students.

By Justin Katz | October 19, 2021 |

It’s never an easy call to side with people on principled grounds when you vehemently disagree with something mind-blowingly stupid and offensive they’ve done or said, especially in an environment prone to witch hunts and cancellations.  But that’s the sort of thing principled people have to do in a free society. So, I have no…

Scene from Field of Dreams

A pornographic young-adult graphic novel in North Kingstown High School is another slip down the spiral.

By Justin Katz | October 19, 2021 |

Nicole Solas of South Kingstown has widened her efforts to return sanity to Rhode Island schools to North Kingstown, where she has filed a police report highlighting a very graphic graphic novel that North Kingstown High School provides to its students, most of them minors.  Following her reports can be challenging, if you have children…

Machine Elements by Fernand Leger

The McKee-Matos 2030 plan is doomed for disaster (if it isn’t just political fluff).

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2021 |

Given it all to do again, I’d probably have studied systems engineering in college.  I love plans and planning.  But I loathe self-described “plans” like Rhode Island 2030, still in draft form from the so-called McKee-Matos Administration. The duo claims that they “launched RI 2030 to craft a vision both for the state’s economic recover as…

Silhouette over digital background

Maybe rediscovering distrust of tech and government was a good thing.

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2021 |

In the amazing advance of our technology comes the possibility of smart watches’ diagnosing health issues before symptoms begin, Steven Reinberg reports for HealthDay News.  Keeping track of your vital stats on an ongoing basis as you go about your day (and sleep at night), you can get an early start on treatment, which can…

A dark classroom

At least the Wall Street Journal is supporting Bessinger against the “education horror show.”

By Justin Katz | October 15, 2021 |

Yesterday, I wondered why the plight and complaints of Providence middle school teacher Ramona Bessinger weren’t of more concern to teachers, parents, the community, the union, and Rhode Islanders generally.  Today, the Wall Street Journal editorial board has proven that somebody actually cares, giving their editorial the sharp headline, “Education Horror Show, Continued.”  (Search the headline…

A soldier signals to hold

Biden’s military politicization is genuinely the sort of thing authoritarians do.

By Justin Katz | October 15, 2021 |

If you blinked (or don’t get your information from non-mainstream-progressive news sources), you might have missed the Biden administration’s explicit attempts to politicize the United States military along partisan lines.  John Lucas explains for The Federalist: President Joe Biden and his administration are continuing to purge and politicize the American military. Consistent with the totalitarian left’s…

A fading man on train tracks

We must address the roots of our society’s depression and anxiety.

By Justin Katz | October 15, 2021 |

Russ Roberts’ conversation with writer Johann Hari on a recent episode of EconTalk was interesting for a variety of reasons, not the least because it seems Hari’s work on anxiety and depression changed his own mind a bit.  One might say he’s moved toward the conservative view of the world, at least on this question, and…

Burning $100 bills

Magaziner is abusing the position of General Treasurer.

By Justin Katz | October 14, 2021 |

If we had a healthy civic culture, wherein citizens had been adequately educated in the appropriate use of government power, it would be the stuff of scandal, rather than political bragging, that Rhode Island General Treasurer Seth Magaziner is abusing his authority over state investment funds for purposes of political activism.  As he touts on…