Justin Katz
Via Instapundit comes a telling story out of Washington University in St. Louis: Student leaders at Washington University in St. Louis want school officials to evict the “disproportionately wealthy and white” men in campus fraternities and give their buildings to “historically marginalized” groups. Writing in Student Life for himself and almost 50 leaders of WashU student organizations,…
A friend recently told me about a Massachusetts school that is explicitly leveraging peer pressure to influence families’ medical decisions related to COVID. The initiative seems to encourage a form of bullying that is unhealthy for both the students applying and the students receiving the pressure, and it reminded me of past initiatives that gave…
Rhode Island teachers have been posting their attendance records on social media, today. Providence high school social studies and journalism teacher Dale Fraza listed his period 3 attendance as: Present: 4 Absent: 4 Quarantined: 9 This madness made me think that some academic with enhanced access to public school information should do a study of…
Years ago, a regular commenter on Anchor Rising who was obviously (let’s say) a dissenting voice around here commented more than once that college conservatives had a ready career path if they wanted to get into politics or media. The comment always struck me as delusional, but… whatever. Nowadays, retired college professor Mark Bauerlein observes that…
John DePetro has spotted a curious requirement for a job at Hope Academy charter school in Providence, which he redubs “Woke Academy”: They currently have a job posting (listed below) for a teachers assistant that is woke and steeped in Critical Race Theory. It starts with the ability to be aware of ” microaggressions and…
When I conveyed the state Department of Health’s findings on the question of whether people were in the hospital because of COVID or merely while happening to test positive for it, one word in particular seemed worthy of a mental note for subsequent consideration (emphasis added): According to Wendelken, “someone who goes to the hospital…
I actually just saw a Rhode Island politician proclaiming on social media that we must “never forget” January 6. The dogged fixation on that day is one of the most-obvious attempts at political narrative building in the past year. But if we’re going to have a new national political holiday, we’re going to have to…
Yesterday, I got a glimpse of how the other half perceives COVID. A Rhode Island progressive shared a tweet storm by some software guy (not a blue check) collecting every study that could be cited with ominous overtones about the supposed long-term effects of the virus. It was the worst kind of analysis. Each of…
For the second year running, United Van Lines’ study of its customers finds Rhode Island to be have more people moving in than moving out. In fact, percentagewise, Rhode Island was the tenth-most-inbound state. What’s going on? Has the Ocean State somehow become a population draw? This particular data isn’t well enough defined to get…
Noting that ballot harvesting is illegal in Georgia, Glenn Reynolds quotes from a Just the News story about a government investigation into a major campaign in violation of that law during the 2020 election cycle: Georgia authorities have launched an investigation into an allegation of systematic ballot harvesting during the state’s 2020 general election and subsequent…