Law and Order

BLM t-shirt of Sayles St instigator.

The framing continues on the Sayles Street incident.

By Justin Katz | July 6, 2021 |

Here’s a curious sentence, highlighted in the following quotation from Jacqui Gomersall’s WPRI story on the latest Black Lives Matter RI PAC protest: The rally was organized by Black Lives Matter RI PAC following Tuesday’s incident on Sayles Street. Providence police are reviewing the police response to what they described as a neighborhood dispute between…

Statue of justice

Standing does matter in our legal system, but our courts are undermining it.

By Justin Katz | June 29, 2021 |

Writing from the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, GianCarlo Canaparo offers a short explainer of why standing matters in legal proceedings and how the judiciary is currently making a mess of it. Both of those points are valuable to read, because the reason to limit cases based on standing…

Silhouette over digital background

The FBI’s new surveillance techniques will eventually come for you.

By Justin Katz | June 25, 2021 |

Nobody should be upset that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies arrested hundreds of international gang members in the Trojan Shield operation, but everybody should concerned about the methods used toward that end.  Mike Corder of the Associated Press describes them: The seeds of the sting were sown when law enforcement agencies earlier took…


Lawrence, Massachusetts, isn’t just a cautionary tale for Rhode Island.

By Justin Katz | June 21, 2021 |

For years, I’ve presented the history and condition of Lawrence, Massachusetts, as an example that Rhode Island shouldn’t follow — namely, becoming a place that seeks to import clients for government services for which local, state, and federal taxpayers can be billed.  Given that recurring theme, I bookmarked this press release from the U.S. Attorney’s…

A hand and barred window

Who would have thought putting men in women’s prisons might be problematic?

By Justin Katz | June 19, 2021 |

The mainstream media is too woke (or too scared) to report extensively on the consequences on the consequences for their fellow-travelers’ crazy policies, but that only makes it more important for the rest of us to pay attention.  Amanda Presigiacomo reports an entirely predictable example for The Daily Wire: Former and current female inmates from…

Fire report

Is somebody trying to make the fire at the speaker’s law office go away?

By Justin Katz | June 8, 2021 |

John DePetro writes that he’s in communication with a federal officer who claims Rhode Island and Warwick fire officials have been providing misleading information: According to a Federal officer, the Rhode Island Fire Marshall’s office mislead Federal officials as to the suspicious fire May 11 at the law office of House Speaker Joe Shekarchi. The…

Silhouette of a stickup

Strong immigration policies limited to orderly entry make the community safer.

By Justin Katz | June 4, 2021 |

Given the evolving mix of news stories in the Ocean State recently — with violent crime involving gangs and/or people with prior arrests, particularly for possession of illegal guns, stretching now from Providence to Newport — one could reasonably expect the trends to continue, with crime becoming an increasingly prominent subject of conversation. With that…

The end of Gould and 2nd in Warwick

A Warwick illegal alien shows RI isn’t immune to the wave of convicted sex offenders streaming across the southern border.

By Justin Katz | June 2, 2021 |

This year, government agents are seeing exponential growth in the number of known sex offenders entering the United States.  Joseph Curl reports for The Daily Wire: “Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio Sector in Texas have seen a 3,166% increase in arrests of convicted sex offenders compared to the same timeframe last fiscal year…

Screenshot of online magazine with Speaker fire story

Left-wing terrorists claim to Abolition Media Worldwide that they torched Speaker Shekarchi’s office over legal evictions.

By Justin Katz | May 31, 2021 |

Terrorists can claim responsibility for anything bad that happens, especially when they do so anonymously.  Still, it’s an unexpected development to see this statement (labeled as “received by email”) on a website that bills itself as “an online news source for revolutionary movements, with information about militant actions, analysis, and features about local struggles from…

Chase Gilroy mug shot

An arrest has been made in the Bristol “hate sticker” case.

By Justin Katz | May 29, 2021 |

By way of a follow up to my post questioning the news reports about “hate sticker” vandalism in Bristol, I note that an arrest has been made, and it looks like the person in the video from news reports was arrested after investigation.  The report does suggest that the videos showed the subjects placing the…