Mainstream Media

Thinking Out Loud about Media Consolidation

By Marc Comtois | December 12, 2006 |

Musicians have been opposed to media consolidation and, as the recent firing of Arlene Violet shows, local on-air talk-show talent may have cause for concern, too. And while the personal concerns of those who are directly affected would seem understandable, what about those of us who are the consumers of the resulting “watered down” product?…

Baron Dazzled by MoveOn

By Marc Comtois | December 11, 2006 |

Jim Baron writes: …when I heard there was a [] meeting scheduled at a home in Barrington last week, I thought I would sit in and see what it was all about. The meeting, replicated in living rooms all over the country on the same night — the national MoveOn organization claims 7,000 people at…

Bob Walsh Needn’t Worry: Bloggers are Reading his Articles, Even When Projo Editors Can’t be Troubled To

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 4, 2006 |

I post to defend the honor of Rhode Island chapter of the National Education Association’s Executive Director Robert Walsh. This is the headline of his op-ed that appeared in Sunday’s Projo…Robert A. Walsh Jr.: Straight-party option serves R.I.Yet beneath the headline, the op-ed makes no claim of the sort…Second, [Edward Achorn] implied that public-employee unions…

ProJo’s “Editorial Mystery” Solved

By Marc Comtois | November 11, 2006 |

I posted before about the questions that Ian Donnis was asking regarding the mysterious non-publishing of an editorial by the ProJo in which they attempt to justify endorsing”Yes on 1.” (For posterity, I also included the text of the online only editorial). Now it appears as if there was no need. This morning’s (Saturday) Op-Ed…

Name That World Leader: Special Media Paranoia Edition

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 25, 2006 |

Here are two quotes from recent media interviews. One was spoken by current Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the other by former U.S President Bill Clinton. See if you can guess which quote came from which leader. Here’s quote #1… I always get these clever little political yields where they ask me one-sided questions….And it always…

A Curious Title?

By Justin Katz | May 27, 2006 |

I’m sure I’m not alone among Anchor Rising writers in feeling a glimmer of hope when such letters as Melbourne Fisher’s appear in the paying press: Columnists Bob Kerr and Charlie Bakst get plenty of ink, and the “loyal opposition” gets an occasional letter to the editor. Keep Bob and Charlie; just get another writer…

Bakst Confusion: Democrat Tax-Cutters?!

By Marc Comtois | May 9, 2006 |

ProJo columnist Charles Bakst is confused: how can Rhode Island Democrats want tax cuts for the rich? Playing to stereotypes, Bakst understands why Republicans want them–“Carcieri, who proposes spending slashes that will hurt the poor, asserts that he wants to boost Rhode Island’s economy”–but he’s simply flumoxed by how the representatives of the average working…

A Note of Praise for Senator Chafee

By Carroll Andrew Morse | February 7, 2006 |

After a session of yesterday’s Senate wiretap hearings, Paul Mirengoff of Power Line asked a couple of tough questions to Senators Edward Kennedy and Richard Durbin. Rather than answering the questions, Senator Durbin responded by asking who Mirengeroff was working for. Pajamas Media has the video, Stephen Spruiell has a transcript. I’d be remiss if…

Projo Editorial Board to Most of America: We Are Better than You Are

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 3, 2006 |

The Projo welcomes Rhode Islanders back to the first work-day of the new year with a bit of regional jingoism that is equal parts inaccurate and ugly. The gist of a Tuesday unsigned editorial is that New England and the Pacific Northwest are so superior to the rest of the country, they need not care…

I’m Pro Choice

By Marc Comtois | December 5, 2005 |

OK, that was a cheap ploy. I’m pro-choice within the context of L. Brent Bozell‘s editorial in today’s ProJo regarding ‘a la carte‘ cable television options: Consumers watch, on average, just 17 channels. But to get them, they are forced to buy this bundle of channels, because it opens up the universe of programming that…