Political Thought

Billy Hunt joins Richard August on State of the State

State of the State: Libertarian Party of RI

By Richard August | April 17, 2022 |

Libertarian Party of RI Chairman Billy Hunt discusses issues and his campaign with Richard August

"I Voted" sticker in a pile of leaves

The Johnston school vote raises Rhode Island’s most important question.

By Justin Katz | April 6, 2022 |

The inaccuracy of Steve Ahlquist’s tweet is worth noting, but it should be a springboard, not a stopping point: 86% of Johnston voters voted to approve a $215 million proposal to finance the largest modernization of education facilities in Johnston’s history. The results table he appends does indeed show that 1,100 people voted to approve…

RI State House over caution tape

As goes the state, so goes the State House.

By Justin Katz | April 4, 2022 |

One bit of trivia that marks a step on road to full assimilation into the Ocean State when one learns it is that the State House dome is the fourth largest self-supporting marble dome on the planet.  The list goes St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, the Minnesota State Capitol, the Taj Mahal, then Rhode Island’s…

Despair that we are institutionally incapable of addressing our problems.

By Justin Katz | March 30, 2022 |

The response to COVID showed that we aren’t a serious society.  One hallmark of that condition for all to see (if they look) is that we are institutionally incapable of identifying the actual causes of our difficulties and, therefore, of addressing them.  Consequently, because the solution of the clueless must always be to throw more…

A building on fire

A core error is behind the Left’s promotion of chaos.

By Justin Katz | March 29, 2022 |

Overstating the significance of individuals’ Twitter commentary is an easy pitfall, but Phil Eil is a journalist and writer and so spends more time observing and thinking about the world around him than the average.  The following tweets are likely to be more representative of the progressive mindset than would be the case if it…

A balanced level

Be careful of the “moderate middle” trap.

By Justin Katz | March 25, 2022 |

Of course, I agree with Erika Sanzi across the board on the issues she mentions in her latest Valley Breeze op-ed.  Support for school choice and opposition to vaccine and mask mandates, radical gender ideology, and racial indoctrination — check, check, check, and check. For that reason, I want to issue a little bit of a…

Graffiti by railroad tracks

The Charlestown food truck controversy is erasing people.

By Justin Katz | March 22, 2022 |

Issuing his groveling hostage statement for expressing his professional opinion at a public meeting, Charlestown Emergency Management Agency Director Kevin Gallup may have saved himself from cancelation, but in doing so, he gave more of our shared ground of freedom away to the woke wave: “Like everyone, I have blind spots,” Gallup said. “I hope…

A man with braids

They call it the “CROWN Act” because they’re making subjects of us all.

By Justin Katz | March 21, 2022 |

In a curious alignment of political machines, both the Massachusetts House and the House of Representatives in Congress independently passed their own “CROWN Acts,” which both would, as WPRI’s Kayla Fish puts it in the case of Massachusetts, “prohibit discrimination based on a person’s hair.”  Naturally, the bill is being sold in racial terms, but…

Jennifer Lima attacks Brewed Awakenings

Fascist employee of Toray Plastics pickets to deprive parents of civil rights.

By Justin Katz | March 18, 2022 |

Does the headline of this post seem unreasonable?  I can’t decide.  I wrote it to illustrate a point about the unreasonable activism of woke progressives, but as I considered whether to go with it or not, the statement began to look like a pretty straightforward description of events. The “fascist” is Jennifer Lima, who is…

A butterfly in hands

We have a real opportunity to flip the script for younger generations.

By Justin Katz | March 18, 2022 |

Whether in a fictional battle of good and evil or real-life politics, when the dark side is ascendant, we have an unfortunate tendency to ascribe to it a competence it does not have.  Sure, a cabal of elite globalists may scheme on behalf of a Great Reset, but… they’re nuts.  In the long run, their…