Quick Read
From time to time, I get in a little spat with some well-meaning progressive on social media that reminds me of something I figured out decades ago but periodically forget: In the belief system of many (most?) progressives, no machinery is required between intent and achievement. Wanting to help people means making it a law…
Professor Renee Hobbs specializes in media literacy education for the University of Rhode Island Harrington School of Communication and Media. This tweet of hers therefore struck me as indicative of misplaced focus: An important note of specificity is needed: Paxlovid skepticism is only a communication failure for those who wish to promote it (for profit,…
Remarkably consistent polls from WPRI and the Boston Globe tell a strange, yet familiar, story. Rhode Islanders think their state is going in the wrong direction — 45% versus 34% (WPRI) and 48% versus 35% (Globe). Meanwhile, favorable opinions of incumbent Democrat Governor Dan McKee almost match those results inversely to what one would expect —…
The student protest against Providence teacher Ramona Bessinger ought to be a teachable moment. Thus far, not a single credible accusation against her relates to anything she’s done in the classroom or involving particular students. The students are incensed by her personal social media activities. Linda Borg’s article on the matter is telling. The tone…
We can have honest discussions about propriety and the conflicting emotional reactions people have to public images, but the strange controversy over pop-star Lizzo’s playing an historic flute of James Madison’s is a great illustration of the dishonesty of mainstream progressive rhetoric. It is as clear as a crystal instrument that the mainstream isn’t interested…
I saw in the Boston Globe, today, some spin blaming Donald Trump for New England’s worsening energy woes. The phrases are almost like a trick image that looks different when you cross your eyes or look at it directly. The reporter’s eyes appear to be crossed, and those of the progressives citing the text on social…
The Rhode Island Saga, Post 4 Watching their comfortable surroundings erode and darken, the heroes of the Rhode Island Saga head out in search of answers and to see whether they can do something with their unique, but undefined, gifts to turn the trends around. To them, restoring the balance of cooperation and individual liberty…
“Permanently enjoined” – in a methodical, 90+ page ruling, federal district court Judge William Smith has turned thumbs down on Rhode Island’s truck-only tolls, noting that they are discriminatory, that they do not “fairly approximate use of the facilities” and that they violate the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. Click here for an…
The links are profuse and not worth culling, but on social media, progressive fascists are agitating to disrupt and have cancelled an event the Independent Women’s Forum is presenting at the Cranston Public Library tonight. The library released a statement that states the legal facts, but perhaps with a bit too much hesitance for the…
The Rhode Island Saga, Post 2 When people begin thinking in a deliberate way about how to turn their ideas, capital, and effort into businesses (which they sometimes get around to years after they’ve started operations), I put the process in terms of a story. The hero of the story is, obviously, the person or…