Quick Read

Mike Stenhouse and Rep. Brian Newberry on In the Dugout, 4/22/21

Funny how blame can shift from policy to implementation as needed.

By Justin Katz | April 22, 2021 |

Mike Stenhouse’s In the Dugout show today included guests Republican Representative Brian Newberry and Dr. Andrew Bostom, the first defending his civics education legislation and the second talking COVID matters.  Note, in particular Newberry’s defense of his bill on the grounds that concerns expressed on the show yesterday by Stanley Kurtz were about “implementation,” not the…

A toddler crying

Controlling (even suppressing) emotions is simply part of healthy maturity.

By Justin Katz | April 22, 2021 |

John Rosemond’s parenting advice, in The Valley Breeze, offers wisdom of much broader applicability than just raising your kids: Just as children must learn to behave correctly, they must also learn to think and emote correctly. Contrary to contemporary psychological propaganda, not all feelings are valid or deserving of exploration. “I have a right to feel like…

A man's shadow over a swing set

I’m waiting to hear from those same-sex marriage advocates who assured me this was a phony fear 15 years ago.

By Justin Katz | April 22, 2021 |

From Jon Brown, on the Daily Wire,” Advocates Push For Consensual Incest To Be Decriminalized, Laugh Off ‘Grooming’ Allegations.” However, I won’t hold my breath waiting for progressive activists to come to the defense of what remains of the institution of marriage for two reasons.  First, this development was obvious back then, based simply on the…

Divest Our Pensions sign

Is the General Treasurer divested of fiduciary responsibility?

By Justin Katz | April 22, 2021 |

I ask because in a new press release from Rhode Island’s General Treasurer Seth Magaziner, the progressive Democrat announces his office’s step to divest the state pension fund of investments in fossil fuels: This morning, in advance of Earth Day, Rhode Island General Treasurer Seth Magaziner announced a nearly 50 percent decrease in the Rhode…

Hieronymus Bosch, 7 Deadly Sins

It’s Evil that keeps us unable to work toward a better world.

By Justin Katz | April 21, 2021 |

Sometimes Michael Morse’s memoirs of life as a Providence firefighter-EMT read like they could be plot pitches for a Netflix series spun off from the movie, Se7en.  Such is the case with a recent essay on his Rescuing Providence site. Particularly striking in a post he titles “Get Out As Soon As You Can” is the profound…

Mike Stenhouse and Stanley Kurtz on In the Dugout

We’re being duped on energy policy and civics education.

By Justin Katz | April 21, 2021 |

Today on his In the Dugout show, Mike Stenhouse interviewed National Review’s Stanley Kurtz on the subject of duplicitous civics-education legislation and RI Senate candidate Charles Callanan ​on the costs to you of RI’s Green New Deal.

State laws on self defense

Rhode Islanders have to run away from danger.

By Justin Katz | April 21, 2021 |

Eugene Volokh has posted a quick updated review of state laws concerning when residents have a right to use deadly force to defend themselves.  And wouldn’t you know it, Rhode Island is one of only twelve states that fall in the “duty to retreat” category.  The rest of the states are some variation of “stand…

United Way RI tweet on Chauvin case

Justice is supposed to be about the facts of the case.

By Justin Katz | April 21, 2021 |

We agree on the rules and the process, in light of inalienable rights, and justice is the result.  If the system manifestly is not producing justice, then we adjust the rules and the process.  But the process cannot simply be a show we put on to give the impression of rules. That is the context…

Mike Stenhouse and Tom Ward on In the Dugout

Are we in the midst of an “antiwoke” awakening?

By Justin Katz | April 20, 2021 |

For his In the Dugout show, today, Mike Stenhouse took on topics like: The Tesla explosion cover-up and the left’s depravity #NoTCItax on gas open letter to Governor McKee Have we mutated to a scientific dictatorship? More “woke” myths destroyed. He also had a conversation with former Valley Breeze editor Tom Ward touching on everything from the general to…

Rivera & crew seek vaccination sign-ups

Politicians have to walk (and constituents have to enforce) a subtle line.

By Justin Katz | April 20, 2021 |

Something in Dan McGowan’s Rhode Map column today reminded me of a question I had for Central Falls Mayor Maria Rivera.  Asked by McGowan what has surprised her in her first 100 days in office, Rivera replied, in part: “I’m surprised by the enormous stress of providing basic city services while, at the same time, tackling…