Blue v. Red

Mail ballot envelope

If there was insignificant fraud, election audits would clear the air, wouldn’t they?

By Justin Katz | June 9, 2021 |

Curiously, for all the national news that makes its way into Rhode Island–based media, stories like this, from Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations, don’t seem to get much airing: When Fulton County, Ga., poll manager Suzi Voyles sorted through a large stack of mail-in ballots last November, she noticed an alarmingly odd pattern of uniformity in the markings…

Screenshot of online magazine with Speaker fire story

Left-wing terrorists claim to Abolition Media Worldwide that they torched Speaker Shekarchi’s office over legal evictions.

By Justin Katz | May 31, 2021 |

Terrorists can claim responsibility for anything bad that happens, especially when they do so anonymously.  Still, it’s an unexpected development to see this statement (labeled as “received by email”) on a website that bills itself as “an online news source for revolutionary movements, with information about militant actions, analysis, and features about local struggles from…

Sermon on the Mount by Karoly Ferenczy

Yes, the Democrat establishment is gung-ho on the Great Replacement of the population.

By Justin Katz | May 26, 2021 |

Glenn Reynolds is right: The strategy of promoting a racial shift for political gain is “odious, and Democrats have been openly gloating about it for years.”  As Ann Althouse writes, noting the careful parsing of a New York Times article on the subject: The “Great Replacement” theory is referred to elsewhere in the article, here: “Contrary…

Decapitated Jesus statue

Anti-Catholic vandalism seems to be increasing across the country.

By Justin Katz | May 24, 2021 |

For the growing file of vandalized statues at Christian, especially Catholic, churches, here’s one in Brooklyn: The Diocese of Brooklyn is requesting increased police presence after two incidents of vandalism in three days at church properties. Over the weekend, a statue depicting the Blessed Mother holding the infant Jesus was discovered vandalized outside the diocesan…

An anti-Israel mob attacks Jews in NYC.

In Biden’s America, reaction to violence depends on identity.

By Justin Katz | May 22, 2021 |

If your social media feed is anything like mine, you’ve been seeing clips of pro-Palestine (or anti-Israel) protesters attacking Jews in multiple American cities.  Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby is exactly right when he responds to one of the videos as follows: If these Jews were being attacked by vicious white supremacist thugs, media interest…

Diverse men praying

Wokeness can be resisted, but preparation is needed.

By Justin Katz | May 20, 2021 |

In a recent New York Post column, Instapundit Glenn Reynolds offers three strategies for resisting the woke mob: Lesson one: Don’t panic — and don’t give in. … Never apologize, don’t act afraid, and, to borrow a phrase from Obama, “punch back twice as hard.” Call the mob out for what it is: a bunch of bad…

RI State House over caution tape

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Progressives Without Answers

By Justin Katz | May 19, 2021 |

For this week’s conversation, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss Rhode Island progressives’ inability to come up with solutions for problems that their policies have created.

A page of the RI House GOP casino infographic

Give some thought to whom advocates are representing, whether government unions or House Republicans.

By Justin Katz | May 11, 2021 |

When you get one of the regular giant mailers from a cabal of government labor unions advocating for higher taxes, it’s pretty obvious what’s going on.  They want government to collect more money so they can arrange with elected officials to transfer more of it to them, with the promise that the unions will feed…

A preacher in a spotlight

Restore the Republic by Reminding the Oppressors That They Matter

By Justin Katz | May 7, 2021 |

As conservatives move on from assessing Rhode Island and America’s situation and begin working out what to do about it, we should look to the experience of Jews and early Christians for a lesson that may seem counter-intuitive at first.

The BLM flag flown in Barrington, RI

A convenient concept taking progressive politicians by storm.

By Justin Katz | May 4, 2021 |

When I emailed the Barrington Town Council to voice my objection to their promotion of the Black Lives Matter flag in a divisive way and expressed that a flag policy has to be content-neutral, member Jacob Brier wrote back to asserted that it was “government speech.”  It was therefore completely constitutional.  Many others who received…