Blue v. Red

A hypnotic background

Be aware that the pro-CRT activists are organized and relentlessly on-message.

By Justin Katz | July 6, 2021 |

Have you ever noticed that the talking points for progressive causes coalesce and spread amazingly quickly?  One moment, the general public is trying to figure out what this critical race theory (CRT) thing is and why districts are pushing it on children, and the next minute activists, public figures, and journalists appear to be all…

Blindfolded woman smoking

The silver lining on left-wing dismissal of the CRT backlash is that their false consciousness will be politically damaging.

By Justin Katz | July 2, 2021 |

The advocate in me always raises questions when the analyst in me strives to explain what my political opposition is missing.  Knowledge is power, so there’s advantage to allowing a competitor to march in the opposite direction.  Of course, in a game, that’s not sporting, and in life, it’s morally questionable. Noah Rothman suggests in…

Two Nazi Soldiers Abusing Jews, by Marcel Janco

The Cheap and Dangerous Scam of Stigmatizing “Whiteness”

By Justin Katz | July 1, 2021 |

Coincidentally while the federal government moves to excuse police and even military action against the phantom threat of “white supremacy,” academics are preparing to declare “whiteness” to be a pathology in need of a final solution.

Obey Kim Jong-Un graffitti

The signs of tyranny are rising like the tide.

By Justin Katz | June 28, 2021 |

It’s long, but the conversation between Jordan Peterson and North Korean defector Yeonmi Park on the former’s podcast is well worth a listen. Most of the episode is a description of Park’s experiences as she transitioned from the national concentration camp of North Korea to sex slavery in China to despised minority in South Korea…

Sakonnet River Bridge lights 6/24/21

Does the use of rainbows have to be reevaluated?

By Justin Katz | June 25, 2021 |

Progressive Democrat State Representative Michelle McGaw tweeted something last night that raises an interesting question few discuss but many probably ponder.  As shown in the featured image for this post, she posted a picture of the Sakonnet River Bridge, apparently taken from the bike path, showing that its changeable lights were shining in a rainbow.…

Non-profit status at Bailey’s Beach helps the very wealthiest avoid taxes, but progressives are launching decoys.

By Justin Katz | June 23, 2021 |

With GoLocalProv getting attention for having turned the spotlight on progressive Democrat U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for his (allegedly) all-white beach club membership, somebody reminded me earlier today of a tweet I’d directed at him on May 22 (shown in the featured image for this post). He’d written, “Rising inequality is a threat to the American way…

Old painting of fighting puppets

The march against the Nonviolence Institute is more evidence we’re being played against each other.

By Justin Katz | June 22, 2021 |

In fascinating juxtaposition to the excuse-making that progressive Democrat U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is enjoying, the folks from Direct Actions for Rights and Equality (DARE) marched in protest of money given to the Nonviolence Institute.  Courtney Carter reported on it for WPRI: This week, [organizer Cedric] Russell co-released a public letter addressed to the institute,…

Flier for the Zinn Education Project day of action

As usual, the Left scandalizes on the Right what the Left is actually doing.

By Justin Katz | June 15, 2021 |

For a week or so, the big political scandal in Rhode Island involved government officials, journalists, and a talk radio host questioning whether South Kingstown mother Nicole Solas was in league with some national organization on the issue of Critical Race Theory (CRT).  The evidence suggests that she was not, but look how differently left-wing…

Screaming hand graffiti

Anecdotes are becoming data when it comes to anti-Catholic (and similar) hate crimes.

By Justin Katz | June 12, 2021 |

Christopher Bedford records some signs of the trend for The Federalist: The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts said when they first started tracking anti-Catholic attacks in the Bay State five years ago, there was about one a year. Since then, they have steadily increased. In the past year, there have been 15 attacks — just…

Marc Lamont Hill and Christopher Rufo

The straight-up racism of Marc Lamont Hill exposes a rhetorical trap.

By Justin Katz | June 12, 2021 |

On his Black News Tonight show, Marc Lamont Hill pressed Critical Race Theory (CRT) critic Chrstopher Rufo on an explicitly racist question, which Amanda Presigiacomo captured for The Daily Wire: “What do you like about being white?” Lamont Hill asked Rufo, after stating that “whiteness” is a “marker of power.” Rufo rejected the premise, noting that…