
School girl in medical mask

The Rhode Island Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics is irresponsible on mandatory masking.

By Justin Katz | August 12, 2021 |

When it comes to public opinion, it’s tough to know what’s real and what’s a social media echo chamber, but this letter, signed by five pediatricians in the name of the Rhode Island Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, seems to be stirring up folks who want to force masks onto the faces of…

Are COVID increases evidence of illegal immigration?

By Justin Katz | August 11, 2021 |

We should not scapegoat groups of people or assume we know the explanation for complex trends, but it is impossible for the public to be informed about important topics if nobody is willing to ask uncomfortable questions.

RI COVID cases by age group

False COVID Fear for Children

By Justin Katz | August 10, 2021 |

The responsibility of proof falls on those who wish to restrict our rights and impose harmful solutions like forcing children to wear masks all day in school, and the evidence just isn’t there.

An empty restaurant

COVID and the response thereto may have put a match to the anti-employment kindling.

By Justin Katz | August 9, 2021 |

Mark Patinkin wrote an interesting profile article about Rhode Island restaurants that are struggling to find employees.  Head chefs and owners are washing dishes and tending bars, which is only shocking to people who buy into the progressive/socialist narrative around employment. Leadership means being the one who takes ultimate responsibility for getting things done.  Progressives…

NEA-RI logo overshadows South Kingstown schools logo

The NEA suing Nicole Solas to stop records releases has a few intriguing possibilities.

By Justin Katz | August 9, 2021 |

William Jacobson is on to something when he suggests, on Legal Insurrection, that the National Education Association of Rhode Island’s lawsuit to stop release of public records in Rhode Island “smells collusive”: Whether there was “collusion” in the sense of active cooperation or not, I can imagine a scenario in which there is no real dispute…

A more-descriptive restroom sign

Thanks to McKee and the General Assembly, 2021 is the year Rhode Islanders lost religious freedom.

By Justin Katz | August 6, 2021 |

The amazing thing, when government officials establish a religion, is that everything becomes clear and easy.  Through a clerisy, their god (even if it is an undefined Great Progressive Spirit) tells them what is right and wrong, and they simply conform the law to those requirements.  Anybody who believes differently has to put their beliefs…

Autumn Labyrinth by Jacek Yerka

The Left Discovers the “Time Tax,” Wants More Government

By Justin Katz | August 6, 2021 |

The solution is not to lean into the welfare-state, but to lean toward the free market.

Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt's Facebook page

As in Woonsocket, we’re going to have to figure out the lines of public transparency.

By Justin Katz | August 6, 2021 |

Two Woonsocket residents are suing Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt with the help of the ACLU for deleting their posts on and blocking them from her Facebook page: Greg Duhamel said he was banned last November when he made a post challenging Woonsocket Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt’s attempt to claim credit for the building of a skate park.…

A scared squirrel

Spoiling the Fear-Mongering Fun – COVID Survival Rate Remains Sky High

By Monique Chartier | August 6, 2021 |

Panic! Panic! >cue dramatic music< The Delta variant is here! COVID-19 cases are spiking again! We’re all going to die! … oh, wait, no, we’re not, contrary to the strong impression created by irresponsible “news” outlets. The survival rate for COVID-19 continues as sky high as it was from the beginning. Nor are hospitals being…

An old, rusty chain

CRT education is preparation to unite us all in chains.

By Justin Katz | August 5, 2021 |

This portion of Ramona Bessinger’s experience with the shift toward critical race theory (CRT) in Providence Public Schools may be the most fundamental to danger the ideology actually represents: What saddened me most was that I would not be teaching the Holocaust any longer. The Holocaust unit included one of the following: either Anne Frank,…