Quick Read

Mark Zaccaria on Rhody Reporter

Rhode Island municipalities probably aren’t prepared for escalating cyber crime.

By Justin Katz | May 19, 2021 |

Mark Zaccaria argues, for Rhody Reporter, that local officials should start getting used to having a line item for cyber-security as more and more of their activities move online. Of course, it would be nice if the costs of new technology could be offset (and then some) by the savings in labor and productivity that high-tech…

Hundred dollar bills

How many variations of Frank Montanaro exist in and around state government?

By Justin Katz | May 19, 2021 |

Katherine Gregg reports for the Providence Journal the labor-union scion’s latest play to get everything he can out of Rhode Island taxpayers.  Putting things chronologically might help to make it clear: Montanaro was elected to the General Assembly in 1986, at the age of 24 or 25.  Under the rules existing at the time, he could…

Old map of RI

Today marks the 369th anniversary of RI’s first-in-the-colonies ban on slavery.

By Justin Katz | May 18, 2021 |

Ken Abrams provides the language of the law on What’s Up Newport: Whereas, it is a common course practiced amongst English men to buy negroes, to that end they have them for service or slave forever: let it be ordered, no blacke mankind or white being forced by covenant bond, or otherwise, to serve any man…

URI Professor Donna Hughes

Donna Hughes’s advocacy against “sex work” and trafficking comes not from prudery, but experience.

By Justin Katz | May 18, 2021 |

Professor Hughes, of the University of Rhode Island, has worked with many women who have been harmed by the “industry,” which she has found to be irredeemably exploitative. That point comes through clearly in her appearance on Jay Nordlinger’s Q&A podcast. The episode is worth a listen, particularly for libertarians and progressives who don’t understand what anybody…

Mother touching baby's hand

If your life can be upended for saying “men cannot get pregnant,” they can enforce any religious dogma at all.

By Justin Katz | May 18, 2021 |

We’ve been seeing more and more stories like this, which Matt Margolis posted on PJ Media: Francisco José Contreras, a politician in Spain, was temporarily suspended from Twitter last week after declaring that “a man cannot get pregnant” because he has “no uterus or eggs,” in response to an article he shared about a transgender “male”…

38 Special

RI at the leading edge of civil rights… when stopped from violating them.

By Justin Katz | May 18, 2021 |

You’d think it’d be a bigger deal locally that the Ocean State (Cranston, specifically) is at the center of a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision that police violated a resident’s Fourth Amendment rights by seizing his guns without a warrant.  Here’s the ruling on this obvious case.  Credit has to go to the ACLU for…

Air Force One

Biden’s Rhode Island landing was a subtle reminder of something that’s off, here.

By Justin Katz | May 17, 2021 |

The local media was all atwitter, last week, over the expectation that Air Force One was going to land at Rhode Island’s T.F. Green Airport.  “Rhode Island is becoming a hot spot for White House dignitaries” proclaimed Ted Nesi on WPRI. But despite the various tweets of “I just heard the plane!,” Joe Biden was…

Diana Lozowski on Rhody Reporter

Status Quo is “a polite Latin term which means ‘kids with a Providence high school diploma can’t read, write, or cipher numbers’.”

By Justin Katz | May 17, 2021 |

Diana Lozowski breaks down the causes of Providence schools’ lamentable performance, on the latest Rhody Reporter.  At the end of the day, she puts the blame on all of us who have allowed this to happen by the way we vote.

Providence students disembark for school

A play for more money in RI education distracts from the real problems.

By Justin Katz | May 17, 2021 |

As, essentially, the chief lobbyist for Rhode Island’s school committees, Timothy Duffy has an obvious angle he’ll take on behalf of his members.  In a recent op-ed in the Providence Journal, for example, he calls for Rhode Islanders to amend our state constitution to make “equal education” a constitutional right.  Readers can get a sense of…

Tiara Mack talks with John DePetro

John DePetro’s interview with Sen. Tiara Mack on Providence violence should be a media example.

By Justin Katz | May 17, 2021 |

DePetro caught up with Mack on the streets of Providence while covering the recent spate of shootings there, and it’s a must-watch five minutes.  DePetro was respectful, but really pressed Mack on her beliefs about what’s going on in Providence and the effects of her own public statements. In a nutshell, to Tiara Mack, violence…