Justin Katz

Zakary Pereira

Should we question whether Zakary Pereira can tolerate students and constituents?

By Justin Katz | February 24, 2022 |

Imagine a young Christian Rhode Islander running for office with a team of Republican candidates of the Make America Great Again mold taking to Twitter to say: The LGBTQs are coming for the Christian community. Who will look out for our best interests, if not ourselves? Run for office.  Support local Christian candidates.  Fight back.…

Theodore Gericault, Heroic Landscape with Fishermen

As war falls upon the world, what you do right now will change what happens in the future.

By Justin Katz | February 24, 2022 |

A “great reset” inevitably rewinds history to the point at which the supposed error was made, which means we’re in for challenging times, but with the opportunity for revival.

Solar farm in North Smithfield

Let’s start making the obvious connections between environmentalist news stories.

By Justin Katz | February 23, 2022 |

Whether I’ve been failing or succeeding, all these years, I’ll leave to others to judge, but one of my core objectives has always been to foster the habit of making the sorts of connections that are too often covered over for political reasons.  Let’s look at a big one. Perhaps with the mixed motivation of…

A water drop and ripples

Something as reasonable and helpful as temporarily eliminating the gas tax has no chance in RI.

By Justin Katz | February 23, 2022 |

Well, we have to thank Rhode Island Republicans for trying: The Rhode Island Senate Republican Caucus is proposing the state eliminate gas tax for the remainder of the year. “We want to direct the influx in tax revenue back to residents and provide relief from the crushing pain at the pump,” Senate Minority Whip Jessica…

A water drop and ripples

Relying on tech for your health is a risky proposition.

By Justin Katz | February 23, 2022 |

Not long ago, technology was beginning to allow the blind to see.  Beware the need for maintenance and software support: These three patients, and more than 350 other blind people around the world with Second Sight’s implants in their eyes, find themselves in a world in which the technology that transformed their lives is just…

Piggybank with mask

Keep an eye on progressives’ intentions when it comes to banking.

By Justin Katz | February 23, 2022 |

Author and former Providence Journal opinion page editor Ed Achorn has been tweeting about the Canadian government’s move on banking, and the topic is one that ought to be of much more concern to all of us.  Note this tweet, from Peter Sweden, which Achorn passes along with the comment, “If true, this is terrifying”: In Canada…

A water drop and ripples

The Nazi’s-eye-view of the great Battle of Providence shows how pathetic the whole thing was.

By Justin Katz | February 22, 2022 |

The video that the Rhode Island 131 group posted of its attack, protest, walk-by-shouting, whatever, on Monday shows how pathetic the whole thing was. The video does add the implied possibility that there was some shoving involved, although it may have been two-sided. The idea that this has commanded the attention of all of Rhode…

Ocean State 131 with Anticommunist/Anticapitalist flag

Was the Providence Nazi protest a false flag or inconsequential opponents’ feeding off each other?

By Justin Katz | February 22, 2022 |

Convenient, isn’t it, that a small group of people making noise and waving a Nazi flag can turn an inconsequential Communist reading by an unknown socialist organization into the hot story of the day in Rhode Island, providing massive advertisement for their little left-wing library? Attempting to make the event seem significant, the Boston Globe tacked…

A water drop and ripples

Canada’s crackdown on the trucker protest is a major warning sign.

By Justin Katz | February 22, 2022 |

Jordan Peterson has shared a note from one of the organizers of the Ottawa protests: From BJ Dichter, one of the organizers of the Ottawa protest. If you don’t think this could happen to you or someone you love you’re a fool. He’s been made a nonperson. Without being charged or tried. Is this what…

A water drop and ripples

Just when I was beginning to respect the Projo again, Katherine Gregg lets loose some partisan COVID propaganda.

By Justin Katz | February 22, 2022 |

As much of the local, state, and national media goes woke, established publications like the Providence Journal have seemed more even-handed in contrast.  An article by Katherine Gregg about a Rhode Island psychiatrist who dissents from the demanded view on COVID blows that impression up.  Some of the paragraphs that make me wonder whether the Projo…