
A hand reaches for chains

For some people, a certain kind of “hate” is justified.

By Justin Katz | July 3, 2021 |

Campus Reform has the story, reported by Ben Zeisloft, of a student protest at Ohio State University, wherein students expressed outrage that the university had labeled an assault on White students as a “hate crime.”  Ponder the significance of this statement from Student Solidarity at OSU: OSU sent out an email on Friday confirming that…

Blindfolded woman smoking

The silver lining on left-wing dismissal of the CRT backlash is that their false consciousness will be politically damaging.

By Justin Katz | July 2, 2021 |

The advocate in me always raises questions when the analyst in me strives to explain what my political opposition is missing.  Knowledge is power, so there’s advantage to allowing a competitor to march in the opposite direction.  Of course, in a game, that’s not sporting, and in life, it’s morally questionable. Noah Rothman suggests in…

Clown face in a pinball machine

These days, it’s a marker of privilege to be able to live by a reasonable standard.

By Justin Katz | June 24, 2021 |

I almost feel the need to apologize for keeping on this story when nothing new has really been added, but the key moral of the thing — which nobody is talking about — is right there screaming at us. Ted Nesi of WPRI tweeted out a letter that the president of Bailey’s Beach, Alexander Auersperg, reportedly…

Non-profit status at Bailey’s Beach helps the very wealthiest avoid taxes, but progressives are launching decoys.

By Justin Katz | June 23, 2021 |

With GoLocalProv getting attention for having turned the spotlight on progressive Democrat U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for his (allegedly) all-white beach club membership, somebody reminded me earlier today of a tweet I’d directed at him on May 22 (shown in the featured image for this post). He’d written, “Rising inequality is a threat to the American way…

Old painting of fighting puppets

The march against the Nonviolence Institute is more evidence we’re being played against each other.

By Justin Katz | June 22, 2021 |

In fascinating juxtaposition to the excuse-making that progressive Democrat U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is enjoying, the folks from Direct Actions for Rights and Equality (DARE) marched in protest of money given to the Nonviolence Institute.  Courtney Carter reported on it for WPRI: This week, [organizer Cedric] Russell co-released a public letter addressed to the institute,…

Bailey's Beach from the sky

Let’s cut to the point on Sheldon Whitehouse’s elite beach club.

By Justin Katz | June 22, 2021 |

Conservatives and Republicans aren’t outraged at the nature of Bailey’s Beach Club or Sheldon Whitehouse’s membership in it.  They’re using the controversy to bring attention to the cartoonish hypocrisy of progressives and Democrats.  It’s really that simple, and everybody knows it. So, when Democrat activist Devin Driscoll lauds a Ted Nesi article on WPRI as…

Jorge Elorza speaks at a Pride event

Politics This Week with John DePetro: The Privileged in Rhode Island

By Justin Katz | June 21, 2021 |

This week, John and Justin discuss the special interests who get special privileges in the Ocean State.

CCSU's crane nooses

Step back and think about the noose mania on campuses.

By Justin Katz | June 21, 2021 |

It turns out, as College Fix editor Jennifer Kabbany reports, that the moral panic at Central Connecticut State University over an American flag hoisted on a crane above a noose was not a racist provocation: A construction company building a parking structure at Central Connecticut State University had hoisted an American flag at the end of…

Tangled ropes

Wokism is a Gordian Knot. Cut through it.

By Justin Katz | June 18, 2021 |

If you haven’t begun drinking yet and want a mind-bending article, read this RealClearInvestigations article on The Epoch Times.  The intellectual trick that makes it mind-bending is that you have to pretend the subject matter isn’t nonsense to begin with. Let’s unpack a relatively long quotation from the article: Ron Scapp, an academic specialist in ethnic studies,…

Students graduating from college.

Even things like “legacy admissions” to college can have unexplored benefits.

By Justin Katz | June 14, 2021 |

News that Colorado has become “the first state to ban ‘legacy admissions’ for higher education,” as the headline on an Epoch Times article by Isabel Van Brugen puts it, might justifiably inspire ambivalence: Gov. Jared Polis signed a bill (pdf) that puts an end to public higher education officials giving preference to candidates with familial relationships…