
Jeann Lugo’s Arrest Record Confirms Jennifer Rourke Grabbed Him

By Monique Chartier | July 14, 2022 |

Anchor Rising has obtained from the Rhode Island State Police the Arrest Record of Jeann Lugo pertaining to the June 24 melee at the State House. Click here to view it. A couple of interesting items from the record: > The last page includes a full description of the events that led up to Jeann…

A gas shortage starts in South Carolina

The economics are important to consider when undercutting gas prices.

By Justin Katz | July 13, 2022 |

It’s nice of Tiverton gas station owner George Alzaibak to take 50-cents per gallon out of his own pocket and give it to drivers, although one could argue that he’ll be able to write it off as a marketing expense.  However, before joining the pop-radio show hosts in calling for a revolution in his image,…

A water drop and ripples

Anybody else get the feeling we’re not hearing much about COVID because the long-term evidence isn’t good for the lock-down artists?

By Justin Katz | July 12, 2022 |

More data on COVID immunity over the long-term is not actually that surprising to people who looked at the data honestly a year or more ago: “Effectiveness of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 reinfection was 97.3 percent … irrespective of the variant of primary infection or reinfection, and with no evidence for…

Rattlesnake warning sign

Senator Tiara Mack’s destructive immaturity ignores our cultural warning signs.

By Justin Katz | July 12, 2022 |

After a week of national coverage, with Tucker Carlson jokingly lauding her honesty and encouraging the Democrat Party to embrace her more fully, most Rhode Islanders who pay any attention to the news have probably heard about Tiara Mack’s twerking performance.  Even the local media had to take some notice, at least to the extent…

A water drop and ripples

I’ve finally written another Dust in the Light essay.

By Justin Katz | July 12, 2022 |

My pace of writing for these essays is much slower than my usual.  In part, the reason is that my 2022 has simply been busier than I expected, and I haven’t been able to manage my Dust in the Light allotment of time every week.  In bigger part, however, the reason is that, as clear as…

A blindfolded man disintegrating

The rights that are really in danger are freedom of speech and association.

By Justin Katz | July 9, 2022 |

Have Rhode Islanders asked themselves how far they’re willing to let government go prosecuting (or persecuting) political groups that they find objectionable?

A water drop and ripples

A random thought on Billy Joel…

By Justin Katz | July 8, 2022 |

I listened to so much Billy Joel as a tween and teen that one could almost say he was something of a father figure for me (hey, don’t judge).  One of his songs just came up on my shuffle, inspiring me to check in BillyJoel.com, which I haven’t visited in years.  With a few exceptions,…

RI schools by spending and outcomes

They’re scamming us when they talk about money in education.

By Justin Katz | July 8, 2022 |

On the periodic occasions that one sees headlines in Rhode Island about improving education, the focus is almost invariably money, whether the topic is an adjustment to the state funding formula or about a “right to an education,” by which advocates ultimately mean a right to more tax dollars. But take a look at the…

The mob tackles Jeann Lugo

Providence Police Chief Hugh Clements is shameless in executing injustice against Jeann Lugo.

By Justin Katz | July 1, 2022 |

From the beginning, the likelihood that Providence police officer Jeann Lugo would receive a fair hearing was vanishingly small.  His political views conflict with those of the ruling class in Rhode Island, and he therefore does not enjoy basic rules of justice and due process. How egregiously brazen this injustice can be is shocking, nonetheless. …

A wind farm at sea

Folks, “100% renewable” targets are a scam.

By Justin Katz | June 30, 2022 |

The politicians and activists proclaim their value and the news media echoes those claims, but that doesn’t mean legal mandates for “renewable energy” are anything other than a scam to take money from Rhode Islanders and give it to special interests.  (Same old same old in Rhode Island, I know.).  And so, we get headlines…