A network of Democrat and progressive legal teams has developed over the past two decades, and last year it arguably succeeded in frauding Joe Biden into the White House. Now Harvard University is turning on the spicket to create more, as Mark Hemingway reports for RealClearInvestigations: Reporting the launch of the Election Law Clinic in April,…
Here’s an interesting section from William Jacobson’s running notes from the Rhode Island Superior Court hearing in the case of the National Education Association of Rhode Island and Nicole Solas: The court then moved onto that anti-SLAPP portion of the case. Union attorney says Solas didn’t present evidence of bad faith or motive of harassment.…
Robert Shibley highlights the story of Carl Neuss, whose alma mater, Cornell University, was seeking a donation in the millions from him. He expressed concern about liberal indoctrination in the college, so the alumni relations folks found a few non-radical professors from among its 1,695 faculty members to talk with the potential donor. This “best…
Yes, of course an anecdote is not data, but this story rings the strange tone that’s been heard throughout public debates about COVID-19 and related treatments. An elderly man on a family visit to the United States from Hong Kong was hospitalized with COVID-19. The hospital treated him with Remdesivir, and it didn’t work. The…
Categorically denying a mother’s responsibility to her children means the utter destruction of human society at its very core.
News about former Providence principal Michael Redmond, and the fact that for a period of time he was working full time (during the same hours) for both the school district of Providence and the Washington, D.C., school district (remotely), has been broadly reported in Rhode Island. Unfortunately, the public debate falls quickly into the lines that divide…
HillFaith has compiled a baker’s dozen of facts pertaining to unborn children at 15 weeks of gestation (via Mark Tapscott on Instapundit), such as these: The baby’s body responds to both touch and pain. The baby responds to light touches over most of the body. If something touches the palm of the baby’s hand, the baby will…
When I worked with the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity, we would periodically get tips from people about problems or corruption in our state, but the tipsters would very rarely volunteer to step forward. They feared, with good reason, audits, safety reviews, property inspections, and other forms of government harassment. Silence and toleration has…
We can probably expect outcomes like that described by Hank Berrien in the Daily Wire to become more and more common: In November, a University of Pennsylvania swimmer who swam for the men’s team for the previous three years swam for the women’s team, dominating the competition. Lia Thomas formerly used the name Will Thomas.…
That’s the finding of a study by criminologists at several universities: “Although the total reduction in homicide is roughly equal across Black and white victims, the decline in homicide is twice as large for Black victims in per capita terms,” the team said. Researchers on the project include Professor Benjamin Hansen of the University of…